
Fan Art - 02/05/02



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    New Art: 10 works

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Diagnus Vindice Nodus

"I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball."

Welcome again to Fanart.

Another quick column today, sorry about that. We'll move right on to the art.


New Fan Art


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Artwork by Pamela Ramali
Yuna, Final Fantasy X

Comments: I haven't played FF X yet, but I've been fond of Yuna's character design ever since I saw the first few images from Square ^^~


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"Artea: Elven Archer"
Artwork by Kitt
Artea, Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals

Comments: First Lufia 2 piece of mine that's been CGed. This was totally 100% Lord of the Rings-inspired; after seeing all those elves in that movie I felt I had to draw one of my own :) Artea came to mind for many reasons, the main one being that we just don't see Lufia fan art on the web all that often, sad to say. This was done in pencil and CGed in paint shop; the hair's my favorite part of the pic. And I know his stance is so horridly crooked, so don't bother pointing that out ^_~

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"Flying Barrel"
Artwork by Bunnie
Ashton Anchors, Star Ocean 2

Comments: Ummm...I'm not sure what's going on here but I think it has something to do with that barrel. Judging by the non-plused looks on the dragons' faces, I'd say everything is going to turn out alright anyway. *Psssst...I forgot, wich one is Orurun?*

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"Oil and Water"
Artwork by Jenny
Reno and Yuffie, Final Fantasy VII

Comments: Hi all! Here's my first submission to RPGamer. Reno and Yuffie are like Oil and Water, they just don't mix, you know? ~ . ^ During the game, they barely exchange two words; then there's the age difference, the fact that they're enemies... still, they're a fun couple to draw. Now fanfiction's another story....

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Artwork by Lauren
Kefka, Final Fantasy VI

Comments: kefka's hair is definitely blonde, isn't it? for some reason i thought it was green. oh, well. i actually didn't even know kefka was a clown while playing the game... i just thought he was a weird, flamboyant soldier. that probably explains why i was so incredibly confused the whole time. so here he is anyway... with some crayola crayon action.

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"Spirit of a Knight Blade"
Artwork by LadyChristelle
Izlude Tingel, Final Fantasy Tactics

Comments: Yes, more Tactics fanart. Winter break is such a great thing, eh? This time it's Izlude, whom I really adore! I like the pose.... really makes him look like he's actually fighting, which was what I was originally going for. Couldn't find many reference pictures, so I did my best with his outfit. Hope you enjoy!

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"Limit Break"
Artwork by SulaMoon
oud Strife, Final Fantasy VII

Comments: I´ve been planing to do this pic since the first time I´ve played the game. And only now I´ve felt skilled enough. It was done using photoshop 6, and only photoshop 6.

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Artwork by Hawke440
Lulu, Final Fantasy X

Comments: I was very excited when I found out that Lulu wore what we will call a "belt-dress." So I had to draw it. This isn't one of my best drawings ever, but I think the black captures the whole cynical feeling of Lulu. And the belt-dress rocks! Also I would like to take up some space and slip in a link to my website. sorry about that, I couldn't put it on my picture cause I don't have a computer editing program yet.

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"Terra Branford"
Artwork by Han, Kyong Won/ emeraldazn
Terra, Final Fantasy VI

Comments: I tried create that atmosphere terra had during her after wearing the slave crown, through the depths of the narshe cave.

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Artwork by Lucca
Ulala, Persona 2 Eternal Punishment

Comments: You see, Ulala is my favourite character from Persona2 and she doesn`t seem to have all the fandom she deserves!! So unfair!! Well, here is a little drawing of her. Enjoy..



I never was, am always to be,
No one ever saw me, nor ever will
And yet I am the confidence of all
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.

I am tomorrow.

Tutorials shall resume next week, as will regular updates. For real this time.

forgotten shade


This column brought to you by a riddle wrapped inside an enigma and covered with nacho cheese.


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