
Lorelai's RPGamer Fan Artwork Gallery
World Shaking!
  Artist of the Week
Petra Rödig

Sweet, talented Petra's artwork showcased today in the Fan Artwork Galleries. One look, and you'll know why ol' "Pete" was hand-selected to be the Artist of the Week. Her work is professional, emotional, and well executed. Petra's touch brings life to his artwork..which has resulted in some very stunning portraits of Rei-sama from Breath of Fire III in particular!
  Mailbox Update
  3 works marked POST
6 works marked MAYBE
Submit art to Lorelai
  Lore's Art-chives
  ->Old-Fashioned Whammy
->Prozac Cookie Surprise
-> Thema der folgenden Woche
-> Omanut ma'aritzim hashavu'a
-> tante de personnes
-> Archive by Artist
  Sending Art to Lorelai
  Important Stuff to Read!
 Read the FAQ
 Getting Fanart Posted
 Artist of the Week Info

Ack! Ok, getting back on track. Sorry for floundering these few weeks. My world has been shaking around. Well, anyway, I'm happy to say that now I've got everything under control! (Solution: become Sailor Uranus. Then you COMMAND "World Shaking." Erm. Nevermind.) Hehe. Archives will be caught up soon, and a guy who reaaally deserves Artist of the Week will showcase some art then. On other notes: Ack. Finals. But on the bright side...E3!!! Hehehe. Lore will sneak down to L.A. Somehow. Hmmm. Hey, did you all enjoy my Chocolate Crinkle Recipe? Hope it worked out. It was a limited time offer, so those who don't know what I'm talking about...too bad. visit this column more often ^_^

From The Heart

I'm so impressed by the quality of work I'm getting here at RPGamer (woa, that was totally deja vu...I wonder if I've said that before...) Anyway, you'll see by today's update alone how wonderfully our fellow artists are out there. Sigh. (Lorelai packs up her battered ego and tiptoes away) Ah, Lore's confessions from the heart today: Uh...I've watched too much Sailor Moon these days. Sorry. So if I go all strange, mumbling things like "Sailor Uranus" and "Ten'ou Haruka" or just random Japanese (nan da kore wa!?) just smile and back away slowly.

Lorelai's Inspirational Notes

We've all seen Aeri(s/th) done in every medium, or many differnet pics of Crono, but how about some of the places they've been to? Who wants to draw the Temple of the Ancients? (In all its Echer glory) Or how about the Zeinthian Castle from Dragon (Warrior/Quest) IV? The minuature town from Shining Force II? I think that the places of our favorite characters would be great to see...

- Michael Hasko

Long Quickies (Huh!?)

  • Please, READ the FAQ and "How to get your Fanart posted," if everyone complied I'll bet I can get updates up faster!...this means YOU!!!

  • The Artist Archive is run by a Perl script, so if you change your e-mail, you MUST tell me. If you can, ALWAYS submit your fanart under the SAME e-mail.

  • Some of you know this already, but for those who don't: ATTENTION all artists who got their stuff posted in the Absolut Xenogears update! I have LOST all of the art from that update from a server crash. I need everyone except for Blademoor and myself to re-submit (somehow I found that one) please! ^_^;;; Here is the update, none of the thumbnails work, but you can check for your art if you've forgotten.

  • I got a list of surprises for you RPGamer public. I'll introduce them, one by one, every week. This week: Lorelai's insane crossover sketches (below). I have an obsession over Billy and Sailor Uranus, so sue me. Next week: IRC Chat Funnies! (Conversation in #rpgamer, in case you haven't joined up yet, can be VERY amusing! ^_^)

  • Wadaya MEAN you don't know how to use IRC? Download mIRC (It's shareware) then, read a cool guide! And join #rpgamer soon, ya hear? ^_^

    Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

    Lorelai's my middle name. I wish it were Haruka...
  • Art and Lore last updated: 5/3/99 (Monday)
    World...SHAKING! May 3rd, 1999
    12 works of awesome, awesome art to shake yer world! Ok, ok, that was lame. But don't ya diss the mistress of Earth and my new co-idol, Ten'ou Haruka. Aiee. She is sooo sekushii. And she gets along with Billy just fine. Hm. Maybe TOO fine.
    Old Fashioned Whammy! April 26th, 1999
    Whammy of awesome art. DO check it out...very worth your time because (1) all the artists are great, and (2) I rarely ever post 20 works of art at one time. Prepare to be deeeep-submerrrrged in artwork!
    Cookie Surprise! April 16th, 1999
    Have ya caught on why today's title has to do with cookies? =) Well, if not, don't worry, you can still enjoy the terrific fanart today. Don't forget to e-mail me. ^_^
    This Week's Extravaganza April 3rd, 1999
    In celebration of Lorelai (finally) finishing the best RPG on earth, today's update is solely dedicated to Xenogears (and in part, Billy Lee Black *drooool*)
    Next Week's Extravaganza March 26, 1999
    Next week's Theme is Xenogears...As you can tell, native German speaker not I am grammatically because I incorrect am.
    Lorelai updates again March 19, 1999
    The theme of this week was in Hebrew; some of you got it, gimme your address and I'll ship you a load of my Prozac Cookies...heh, right. I would, honestly, but it takes enough time just to put the update up.
    Lorelai empties the Maybe Box March 12, 1999
    Because of the steady accumulation of artwork piling up in my "Maybe" Mailbox, I decided to post them all together. They're really not supposed to be classified as Maybe at all; they're all marvelous,and so that's why I've pulled a late nighter today and posted them all. (Lookit all those portraits...^_^;;;) Enjoy!
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