

Fan Artwork - By Artist: K


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Full Artist Listing


K8 M.

"Gentle Glow" : Tifa and Aeris Final Fantasy VII


Ellone - Kimono Girl Final Fantasy VIII
Rinoa, Squall, Zidane - Hitting on Rinoa Final Fantasy VIII
Nanami, Hero, Hero McDohl, Gremio - Bearers of the True Runes and Protectors Genso Suikoden

K. Kirk

Mog always had that "Foxy Soldier" : Ursula Breath of Fire IV
Mog always had that "Sunset Emeralds" : Emeralda Xenogears

K. Massey

Mog always had that "in your face" attitude Final Fantasy VI : : Mog

K. Teel

Vierge: The Pink Gear Personified Xenogears

Kagaya Rinoa

Summer Beauty - Rinoa Final Fantasy VIII
Valse Pour la Lune - Rinoa Final Fantasy VIII
"Eternal Blossom" : Aerith Final Fantasy VII


"Waiting" : Vincent Valentine Final Fantasy VII

Kaitlin Kubilius

Action - Celes and Terra Final Fantasy VI
Valvalis - Gale Final Fantasy IV
Valvalis indulges herself in a soothing breeze Final Fantasy IV
Celes ' facial expression belies her relaxed posture Final Fantasy VI : : Celes Chere
Celes is all made up Final Fantasy VI : : Celes Chere
Locke broods, stoically pondering his destiny Final Fantasy VI : : Locke Cole
Terra is a skilled combatant Final Fantasy VI : : Terra Branford


Whether working out a complex geo-physics problem in its mind or wondering why it's standing in an empty field, the Nu remains mysteriously expressionless Chrono Trigger

Karen Lambey

#1 (Sex on the Beach) - Ico Distant View Contest Entry Ico

Karniz Archada

Seamless Beauty Final Fantasy VI : : Celes Chere


Fair Maid - Lulu Final Fantasy X
To Dream of a Love - Aeris and Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII
The Pretty Flower Lady Final Fantasy VII : : Aeris Gainsborough
Cherry Blossom Tifa Final Fantasy VII : : Tifa Lockheart
Forever Final Fantasy VII : : Other Artwork
Rinoa and gang on the front cover of "Eighteen" Final Fantasy VIII


Terra Branford - Esper Beauty Final Fantasy VI

Kathy | (page)

Tifa Lockhart - Lonely Dreamer Final Fantasy VII : : Tifa Lockheart
Miang - Dark at Heart Xenogears
Bleu Breath of Fire


Karen Bromide Harvest Moon: Back to Nature


Rufus at Junon Final Fantasy VII : : Other Artwork
Zotan - They are coming!!! Final Fantasy IX


Squall Leonhart in the flesh Final Fantasy VIII

Keith Fact

11.06 Portrait of Zemus Final Fantasy IV


Cloud and Tifa - Cloud the Retard Final Fantasy VII : : Other Artwork
Squall, Irvine, Quistis - Critical HP Final Fantasy VIII
Squall and Rinoa Final Fantasy VIII
Delita - Delita Final Fantasy Tactics


Edea Final Fantasy VIII
Edea Final Fantasy VIII
Quistis Trepe Final Fantasy VIII
Selphie Final Fantasy VIII
Bart snaps his whip like the young master that he is Xenogears

Kelly Gammons

Rosa and Cecil: Theme of Cute Love Final Fantasy IV
Valentine Babes of FF6 and 4 Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy VI : : Other Artwork
Terra in Pinstripes Final Fantasy VI : : Terra Branford


Jessie - Jessie Collage Final Fantasy VII : : Other Artwork


Cecil accepts his fate Final Fantasy IV


White Mage X Final Fantasy

Kevin Mahoney

Terra , fluorescent, glows a neon green - Pencils only Final Fantasy VI : : Terra Branford

Kevin Smith

Justin and Freena - Justin and Freena Grandia

Kian Maleki

Marle casts magic Chrono Trigger


Immortal - Cloud and Aerith Final Fantasy VII


That Thief Guy - Locke of Final Fantasy VI

Kim Loh

SD Bartholemew Fatima Xenogears

Kim "Nightshade Wolf" P.

Eiko Carol - Eiko! Eiko! ^o^" Final Fantasy IX


Tidariathan and the Masamune Final Fantasy IV
The Tiger of Eblana - Edge Final Fantasy IV
The Child Dekar Lufia II

Kittie KDS

Yuffie - The Hyper Ninja Final Fantasy VII : : Yuffie


Quistis at teatime Final Fantasy VIII
Rinoa Heartilly and Squall Leonhart - Rinoa and Squall Final Fantasy VIII
Quistis Trepe Final Fantasy VIII
Eiko Carol and Moogles Final Fantasy IX

Kouryuu | (alternate)

Karsh - Karsh Baby~! Chrono Cross
Slash - Flirtatious! Chrono Cross
Charlotte - Happy Happy! Seiken Densetsu III


Squall is perturbed Final Fantasy VIII

Kris Schnee

Various weapons - T.G. Cid's Adventurer Supply Final Fantasy IX

Kris Wolfe

Ark Terranigma


Setzer, Edgar, and Locke play a friendly game of poker as Sabin and Celes peek over their shoulders Final Fantasy VI : : Other Artwork

Kristin Bergh

Into the Clouds - Bart and Margie Xenogears
A Moment - Link and Zelda The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Confidence - Bartholemew Fatima Xenogears
A Hero's Guide - Link and Navi The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Kristin Deeds

Sabin folds his arms across his chest Final Fantasy VI : : Sabin Rene Figaro
Setzer grins, displaying an ace and a joker Final Fantasy VI : : Setzer Gabbiani
Locke weeps as he holds Rachel's broken body Final Fantasy VI : : Other Artwork
Gremio and Hero - Fleeting Memories Genso Suikoden

Kristof Darmawikarta

Freedom - Ico Distant View Contest Entry Ico

Kupo Moogle

Pikachu the Rapper! Pokemon


Black and White - Cloud Strife and Squall Leonhart Fantasy VII & VIII


"Portrait of a King" - Delita Hyral Final Fantasy Tactics
"How to Disappear Completely" - Nanami Suikoden II

Kyla Sturgeon

Kid Chrono Cross


Squall - Ow Final Fantasy VIII

Kyung Hoon Kang

Cloud stops in mid-stride to ponder what it's all about Final Fantasy VII : : Cloud Strife
SD Cloud gives a glance of frustration Final Fantasy VII : : Cloud Strife



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