

Fan Artwork - By Artist: C


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Full Artist Listing



The Succubus - Death of the Succubus Castlevania: Symphony of the Night


Hikaru - Hikaru Magic Knight Rayearth

Calis Cheah

Krelian - He who walks with God (SPOILER!) Xenogears
Fei's mugshot (he must be very photogenic...) Xenogears
Id is the Demon Within Xenogears
Presenting Fei, Bart, Citan and Sigurd: finalists in the Mr. Gear Competition Xenogears

Capeton Yusshuk

Highwind - Lego Highwind Final Fantasy VII : : Other Artwork

Capristo Havlovich

Leader of the Black Sheep - Delita Final Fantasy Tactics

Caroline and Julie Escurat

Yuna Final Fantasy X

Carolyn Chen

Loneliness - Pilika Suikoden II
Aerith - Aerith Final Fantasy VII : : Aeris Gainsborough
Aerith - "Beautiful Dreamers" : Harle Chrono Cross


Sydney - Sin Vagrant Story
Ultimecia - Witch Final Fantasy VIII
Hawkeye, Riesz, and Angela - Devil's Smile Seiken Densetsu III
Sydney Vagrant Story
Ultimecia - The Sinner Final Fantasy VIII

Catherine Luna

Katt , daintily feminine, loves those kitties Breath of Fire II


Billy Lee Black - Billy Xenogears
"Punk Zell" Final Fantasy VIII

Celes-Dawn Emplit | (page)

Rydia - "Mother's Wings" Final Fantasy IV
Reina/Leena : Essence of Water "the same pendant...?" Final Fantasy V
Schala : Flame of Zeal Chrono Trigger

Celyne Moreno

You're not alone - Cupil and Fina Skies of Arcadia
Aeris lets down both her hair and her guard Final Fantasy VII : : Aeris Gainsborough
Dance with Me : Aeris and Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII : : Other Artwork


Gilgamesh Final Fantasy V
Zio - Zio Phantasy Star IV


Atma Weapon - Celes Chere Final Fantasy VI
Riesz - "Amazon Princess" Seiken Denetsu III
Aeris Gainsborough - "Life Stream" Final Fantasy 7 : : Aeris Gainsborough
Royce Lunar: Silver Star Story

Chibi Selphie

"Black Star" : Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII

Chika Ishikawa

Leon - Candle Light Star Ocean: Second Story
Yuffie is so chic Final Fantasy VII : : Yuffie Kisaragi
Run like the Wind : Yuffie and Tifa Final Fantasy VII : : Other Artwork

Chris Bunag

Forget Me Not Final Fantasy VII : : Aeris Gainsborough
Everybody in GFs Final Fantasy VIII

Chris Montgomery

A The Sky Shark - Airship Inspired by Final Fantasy VII / VIII

Chris Stauffer

A Nu is somewhat disoriented after entering a 3 dimensional realm Chrono Trigger

Chris Vassallo

The heroes of Final Fantasy V line up for mug shots Final Fantasy V
Beowulf isn't in the mood to be messed with, either Final Fantasy Tactics

Christine 'Kestrel' Houser

Sephiroth - Sexy Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII : : Sephiroth
Sephiroth Final Fantasy VII : : Sephiroth
Richter, Adrian and Maria Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Alucard and Maria: My Beloved One Castlevania: Symphony of the Night


A Lil' Magus Chrono Trigger


Hero, Nanami, and Pilika - Waiting for Jowi Suikoden II
Elhayym's Dream Xenogears
Jessica and Kyle Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete


Yuffie , due to her bulky frame, can't manage to button or zipper her shorts Final Fantasy VII : : Yuffie Kisaragi
Rinoa points a shooting star out to Squall Final Fantasy VIII
Squall is all decked out in leather Final Fantasy VIII
Squall and Laguna have enchanting blue eyes Final Fantasy VIII

Claire Y

SD Character Shot Bahamut Lagoon

Conan K. Woods

Carlson the Black Mage is up to his old tricks again Final Fantasy Tactics

Cory Helson

Young Cecil's Ordeal Final Fantasy IV


Cloud and Aeris Final Fantasy VII : : Other Artwork

Crystal Gronnestad

Out of the Darkness - Ico Distant View Contest Winner Ico


Help Me, I'm Lost - Magus and Schala Chrono Trigger
Too Much Cheese - Mel, Dio, and Kururu Tales of Phantasia
Luna-sama - Luna and Artemis Tales of Phantasia
Time to Recharge - Mel, Dio, and Keruru Tales of Phantasia
Ice Needle - Mel Tales of Phantasia



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