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Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Average Score: 4.09/5
[Read] Andrew Long That crazy flute-guy rides again! 5.0/5 Official Staff Review
[Read] Jake Alley A Musical Adventure 5.0/5 Official Staff Review
[Read] Ryan Amos The Latest Installment In the Zelda Series Arrives 4.0/5 Unofficial Staff Review
[Read] Derek 'Roku' Cavin Now In 3D 4.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] Richard Jordan Though the Plot Is Nothing New, Great Gameplay and Fun Make An Excellent Ga 5.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] Robert McClung The Temporal Whisle - A Spatial Anomaly Or Mammoth Myth? 3.5/5 Reader Review
[Read] Simon Seamann The More Things Change... 3.5/5 Reader Review
[Read] Stewart Bishop Link Is Back In 3D 3.5/5 Reader Review
[Read] Tw|sTeD Worth the Wait 4.5/5 Reader Review
[Read] Unofficial Reader Reviewer One's Treasure Is Another's Trash 3.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] Zachary Lewis Something Old, Something New 4.0/5 Reader Review


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