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Final Fantasy
Matoya's Cave - For the Choir
Vocal Submitter(s): Angel's Thesis
Download: [Download (0k)]
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Soundtrack Review
Sheet Music Submitter(s): Carlisle
Download: [Download (14.14k)]
Comment: With all the praise Morrowind received for its remarkable music score, you'd think this review would be a no-brainer. But the question is if it stands up to solo CD-listening. And that's what I'm here to talk about.
Final Fantasy Pray: Soundtrack Review
Sheet Music Submitter(s): Carlisle
Download: [Download (13.73k)]
Comment: Final Fantasy Pray is the first CD of a two-part Squaresoft Vocal Collection. This album is a series of ten musical arrangements of select songs from the soundtracks of Final Fantasy I through VI. All of the arrangements are vocalized using a multicultural array of voices.
Finally Home
Rock Submitter(s): Darangen
MP3 Splendid Performance Final Round
Download: [Download (6120k)]
Comment: With the original theme, it always seemed determined and threatening to me, as well as melodic and solemn. So, in regards to the competition guidelines, I went for the extreme opposite feeling for this, making it carefree and cheerful. This theme is originally used in the Final Dungeon of Final Fantasy, but I feel my arrangement would best suit the ending credits as they're scrolling down the screen. I gave it that peaceful and hopeful for the future vibe and I think it fits well. The working title for this song was originally "Overjoyed", but I thought "Finally Home" would give it more meaning towards the ending credits feeling :).
Heroes of Light
Rock Submitter(s): Darangen
MP3 Sonic Revolution Submission
Download: [Download (5606.12k)]
Comment: I've been wanting to arrange this song for a long time, and this contest finally got me off my butt to do it :) Nostalgia, yeah... I've always loved this tune, since I was 5 years old with my NES and Final Fantasy. So here it is, my take on the Temple of Fiends/Underwater Palace theme from FF1.
Reggae de Chocobo
Reggae Submitter(s): Elcalen
Download: [Download (282.17k)]
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Matoya's Cave
Classical Submitter(s): Elcalen
Download: [Download (168.53k)]
Comment: No Comment
Tceles B Hsup (Talking Broom Blues)
Rock Submitter(s): Francis "Fermat's Last Theorem" Gayon
MP3 The Grand Audition 2007 - Round 3 (8-bit Jazz) Runner-up
Download: [Download (3206.32k)]
Comment: The theme from Matoya's cave with a brief introduction using the overworld theme. I immediately liked this tune the moment I heard it. So I took that quirky, three-part tune and did a combination theme and variations with some degree of improvisation, particularly in the middle. The theme is never presented explicitly but appears in a distinctly original form at several points throughout the length of the piece.
At 200 bpm, I tend to call this my "little ball of energy" as it maintains its... enthusiasm throughout most of its length. It was designed to make you tip your head from side to side while tapping your feet. I hope you enjoy my first "jazz" piece ever.
Composition done using Sibelius 4 and rendering by Kouen.
Sailing in the Air
Piano Submitter(s): Kevin Stephens
MP3 Sonic Revolution Submission
Download: [Download (1583.79k)]
Comment: This is the airship theme from Final Fantasy I. I tried to do it in a couple of different styles, but thanks to my laziness coupled with my desire to enter Sonic Revolution, it's very short and hardly changes styles at all. Still, I'm pretty fond of it. Hooray.
Sheet Music Submitter(s): Matt Foster
Download: [Download (191.44k)]
Comment: While I've not had a chance to play through the newest Final Fantasy, my friend told me an ugly rumor that my favorite piece of FF music was omitted, that being the fanfare. So, to keep it alive in my heart, I wrote out a little version of it for piano. Simple enough for a total piano novice like myself to play, I hope everyone enjoys it.
Baby Chocobo Walk
Classical Submitter(s): Matthew 'barieuph' Russo
Download: [Download (1456.83k)]
Comment: I decided to have a little fun with this one. I was singing Mancini's "Baby Elephant Walk" when the idea of mixing the idea from that piece with Uematsu's Chocobo theme. The result is a jingle that's short and to the point. This is my first mix since I've gotten my new powerbook, so it might be a little rough around the edges. Feel free to email me your complaints, comments or criticisms.
Hot Choco
New Age Submitter(s): Matthew 'barieuph' Russo
Download: [Download (1.3k)]
Comment: Here is HotChocobo and HotChoco. Choco is shorter than the Chocobo, both in letter count and song length, and the both come in two flavors Mp3, and Midi. I've been mulling over the standard ringtones that every RPGamer had, and what cellphone would be complete without the Chocobo theme. I'm working on a few more for y'all. Talk up the ringtones in the forum and let me know what you think!
Hot Choco
New Age Submitter(s): Matthew 'barieuph' Russo
Download: [Download (126.17k)]
Comment: Here is HotChocobo and HotChoco. Choco is shorter than the Chocobo, both in letter count and song length, and the both come in two flavors Mp3, and Midi. I've been mulling over the standard ringtones that every RPGamer had, and what cellphone would be complete without the Chocobo theme. I'm working on a few more for y'all. Talk up the ringtones in the forum and let me know what you think!
Hot Chocobo
New Age Submitter(s): Matthew 'barieuph' Russo
Download: [Download (251.07k)]
Comment: Here is HotChocobo and HotChoco. Choco is shorter than the Chocobo, both in letter count and song length, and the both come in two flavors Mp3, and Midi. I've been mulling over the standard ringtones that every RPGamer had, and what cellphone would be complete without the Chocobo theme. I'm working on a few more for y'all. Talk up the ringtones in the forum and let me know what you think!
Hot Chocobo
New Age Submitter(s): Matthew 'barieuph' Russo
Download: [Download (2.38k)]
Comment: Here is HotChocobo and HotChoco. Choco is shorter than the Chocobo, both in letter count and song length, and the both come in two flavors Mp3, and Midi. I've been mulling over the standard ringtones that every RPGamer had, and what cellphone would be complete without the Chocobo theme. I'm working on a few more for y'all. Talk up the ringtones in the forum and let me know what you think!
Final Fantasy Wedding Processional
Classical Submitter(s): Patrick Waters
Download: [Download (15084k)]
Comment: No Comment
Piano Submitter(s): Patrick Waters
MP3 Splendid Performance Audition Phase 1
Download: [Download (15188.3k)]
Comment: Composed under extreme pressure in three days, 'Contrapunctus' is a four-voice double fugue, the final project for an eighteenth-century counterpoint course I attended at my school. Presented here is a transcription of the fugue for organ; the samples used employ their own natural reverb. The overall form of the work is in four parts--a fugue on the 'Prologue' theme, a fugue on the Castle Coneria theme, a fugue combining the two subjects, and a coda/chorale on the traditional harmonization of the 'Prologue' theme. All answers are tonal, however the harmonic treatment throughout much of the fugue uses the 'modally diatonic' language present in my more recent original compositions (which could explain the funkiness of some expositions). Episodic material is mostly free-composed and occasionally uses stretto, although there are infrequent instances of augmentation and inversion.
Prelude for Two Pianos
Piano Submitter(s): Patrick Waters
Download: [Download (4832k)]
Comment: No Comment
Classical Submitter(s): Talon Blackfalcon
Download: [Download (222k)]
Comment: No Comment
Wedding Prologue
Classical Submitter(s): Andrew Grisafi, Thomash Lee
Download: [Download (3372k)]
Comment: No Comment
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