
Fan Artwork for February 5th, 1999
Squaresoft Domination
  Artist of the Week
The Black Dream
Well known for her recent "Let it Burn" series, Sandara-3 is a new but formidable artist, who has already acquired a high number sucesseful postings despite being new to RPGamer. Check out her emotion-filled depiction of Red XIII and Faris today, then hop on over to her page to check out more awesome art! (LOVE the FF7 chocobos!)

-> Photoshop vs Prismacolor
-> Portrait Frenzy
-> ...Just so POSH!
-> Happy 1999!

  Sending Art to Lorelai
  Think you have Fanart worthy of RPGamer? Submit them to Lorelai


Hiyas! Oi, oi, oi...busy busy busy. But that's okays, I always have time for RPGamers! Oh, today's plurals day! You must talks in plurals. It's funs! You should trys its. Hee hees, guess who's gone insanes from college pressures?

Okees, on to the arts. I got mucho Squaresoft art this week; and even some classics like Final Fantasy IV and Chronotrigger are proudly displayed today! There still seems to be a Photoshop trend going on; Well, whatever works best for you guys, keep turning out the fabulous artworks!

From the Fans

I got a comment this week that asked for an archive by artist. As in, If I like Aki's art, I could go to an index that listed all of Aki's art on one page. I'd like to say that it's a GREAT idea, and I'd be more than happy to comply...but due to RPGamer's long history and humongous size, it would take me years to track down all the artists on this site and organize such an archive. I do realize I could have generated some kind of Perl script to do it for me, but unfortuately, (1) I use a random naming procedure for filenames each week, and (2) I don't KNOW Perl, I told you that already. If, of course, someone with LOTS of time on their hands wants to undertake this project...Be my guest. It will put you in good favor and give you resume and T-shirt material: "I saved Lorelai's butt at RPGamer!"

Extra Notes

As Fanart Maintainer, Icons and themes are also my job. Unfortunately, up till now I had no way of announcing new icon and theme additions. I will therefore keep this Extra Notes section to update you; and first off, we have Xenogears character icons brought to us by Angelic Sephiroth. Also, don't miss out on Artist of the Week Sandara-3's new website, Black Dream. Keep those applications coming; fill out this form for eligibility and send it to me, Lorelai. Also, please note that I am working on a compilation of all the Critique Corners, and that it will probably be in the form of PDF. So, hope that comes out soon. Hey, ya think being an Art/music double major is easy??? Nopers, gotta do a monster load of projects...Ok, one last thing. Critique Corner is on a sabbatical. It takes a lot of work on my part, and I think I need a short break. More on this next week...Sorry!


Feedback is the most crucial of any public website...because it's what you want that counts! Thanks for all the e-mails about "bishounen" and "yaoi" by the way. Everyone agreed that bishonene means "pretty boy," in an almost feminine way, and that "yaoi" stands for male love...Erm. Pretty passionate love at that. So we don't delve into that farther. Anyway, the question this week is: You guys are sending in BEAUTIFUL comments! Just...where do I put them? I'm sorry this week's comments didn't go up, but I'm tired as it is (and Nigel coded the brunt of the page for me AGAIN!) So where would you like me to put the comments? I'd like to avoid making a separate HTML page for all 12 pictures, if I can.

I'm tired now. Good night everyone!


My father was brave...

Final Fantasy 7
pen, Photoshop

The Ophelia Juxtaposition

Final Fantasy 7

Sephiroth & Company

Final Fantasy 7
Ashley Cope

I'll always be here

Final Fantasy 5
pencils, ink, Photoshop

Calm and Confident Bart

pencil, watercolor

Link the Handsome

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Microsoft Paint

...The same pendant?

Final Fantasy 5
pen, color pencils, Photoshop

Id is contemplative

color pencils

Saria waves cheerfully

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Photoshop 5, Paint Shop Pro 5

Alundra: Happy folk


Fantasy Valentine Babes

Final Fantasy IV, VI
Kelly Gammons

Schala cuddles the cat

pastels, Prismacolor pencils

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