
Fan Artwork for January 8th, 1999
Xenogears and Zelda 64 are just so POSH!

Ah, it seems like I just updated yesterday...where does the time fly? (geez, and I was thinking of doing updates TWO times a week...shee!...) Well anyway, even if I only see ya guyz once a week, I always try and bring you the best fanart and the best update! So, on to the main course...

T.A.S, Aki, Richiesan, Amberyl...I should write a Song of Praise out of their names. These four artists strike yet again, and grace our eyes with beautiful fan artwork. TAS and Amber Michelle have chosen the game Xenogears for the source of inspiration, whilst Richard Abril and Aki go with Zelda: Ocarina of Time illustrations. I don't even have to ask which games are currently hot...they take up their own lines and make their own statements. Additionally...ever heard of ANSI art? If so you'll like this antique from Hung T. Nguyen...preeezenting Mog (-osaur), the moogle from the pre-photoshopozoic period.

Leng Sy, armed with only a ballpoint pen, has whipped up a Jenova pictorial aid tht's so real, it would freeze Cloud Strife right in his tracks. (Heh, I can just see Sephiroth poking at Cloud with his masamune, wondering why it won't go through...) On the other side of the medium spectrum, Rick Groce has rendered a fantasic scene with Zelda: OOT's Master Sword. The beautiful and bold sorceress Bleu, with the body of a snake and an outfit resembling a female Klingon's, is brought to us courtesy of AnnMage; that brave boy Musashi also makes another appearance, drawn for us by Marcus Eakers "just for you guys." (Awww thanks Marcus!) also, Wai Chu Yu's Elly busts up the joint with her and her...erm...motorcycle (Do Solaris officers NEED motorcycles?) Finally, old-timer Lady Merit and new artist Anya bring the Final Fantasies, parts 5 and 7, to reality with their artwork.

With the talent I'm seeing, I swear some of you should seek jobs at Squaresoft. Geez people! *sniff* maybe I'll just drop out of art and start playing the zither or something...just kidding! You guys rock. And keep those creative juices flowing! Now that you guys are so good at drawing characters, make those characters do something! Scenes make excellent subjects for fanart. Just a suggestion... ^_^ Cya ppl next Friday!!! Same time, same place!


Citan: Guardian Angel

color pencils
Amber Michelle

Elly: Motorcycle Babe

medium unspecified
Wai Chu Yu

Primera's Gentle Smile

pencil, Painter 4, Photoshop

My Body Guard

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Adobe Photoshop 5, Pilot V Pen
Richard Abril

The Master Sword

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Rendered Image
Rick Groce

Triumph of Ganondorf

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
mechanical pencil / Adobe Photoshop 5.0
Tom Szakolczay (T.A.S)

Frightened Little Marlene

Final Fantasy VII
Lady Merit

The Powerful Sorcery of Bleu

Breath of Fire Series
Prismacolor pencils

Musashi strikes a pose

Brave Fencer Musashi
Marcus Eakers

Mog in the ANSI Ages

Final Fantasy VI
ANSI screen
Hung T. Nguyen

Come to Me, my Son...

Final Fantasy VII
ball point pen
Leng Sy

Lady Dragonrider Faris

Final Fantasy V
ink, Photoshop 5

Critique Corner
Critique Corner Session Four: Sabbatical...

Hiyas everyone...Well, a month of dutifully working as Fanart Maintainer, I'm plumb exhausted. If you don't mind, I'll do one critique for today, and then keep the bigger plan I had for Critique Corner till next week. (We'll cover faces...I need to dig up some research anyway.) sorry about this!

Artist: Artemis
Subject: Relm Arrowny and company
Medium: pencil, crayon
Comment: Anyway, my problem is that I'm not very good and pencil crayon shading! Can you help me?! And I'm also not very good at mesureing out the width and length of eyes!
Don't panic! Lorelai shall help (uh yeah...well, I'll try) ^_^ Let's see, about shading...I suggest that you take an irregularly shaped object, put it under a lamp, and then draw it. Concentrate on the shadows. This object can first be a stuffed animal, then try a pair of wrinkled jean, or for the ultimate challege: Crumpled paper. When you're comfortable with these shadow practicies, have somone stand in sunlight and draw them as fast as you can (no need for detail; we're just looking for shadow and light.) that's the only way you can build up an experience of where light and dark usually falls on a human being, or an orange, or an airship, or a silk dress. Practicing helps you form "stereotypes" in your mind so you don't always need to work off a live model. As for length and width of eyes...anime eyes tend to be much closer together than real human eyes, because anime eyes are, in short, HUGE. And their faces consist of no noses (or hardly any). I'll do a sketch next time on the human face, and post it in critique corner, ok? thanks for writing Artemis!

Lorelai's Final Comments
Whew...I'm pooped. Still working on an archive of fanart. (If all goes well you'l be able to see fanart, sorted by update, back from the days of Maniscalco!) Also, please don't be vexed if the art just taken off this page aren't in their proper categories by game yet. It takes me hours just to get this page up alone...the others will be placed slowly but surely, at most a couple days later. Also...any volunteers to string up the Critique corners into downloadable files??? I don't have Adobe Distiller, and I wanted to use PDF format. Please contact me ASAP if you are interested in being a nice person and helping Lorelai out. ^_^ (and impress me by whipping out some credentials if you wish, hehe) One last the resolution ok for everyone??? I shrink fonts down a size often; you people with WebTV, are you ok with it? Can you read all I type? Please tell me if there are any problems, we'll solve them right away!

-- Happy to be serving the RPG community! --
Lorelai (and boy do I mean POOPED...)

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