
Fan Artwork for January 22nd, 1999
Photoshop VS. Prismacolors
Hi ho, and welcome to my very on-time update! Something very interesting popped up while I was checking fanart this week: Everyone seems to want to use Photoshop or Paintshop Pro or something. Don't feel pressured to do so! I still prefer color pencils because they give me the most control. There's no need to abandon the old way of art just because computer graphics have become so popular. I'm looking forward to other mediums this week...

This week I've done something I've never done before...I've submitted fanart myself. I'd just like to get one thing clear: I'll never, ever boot someone off the posting list just to get my own art up here. If I already have 12 selected, my art will wait. You guys are more important ^_^

Also, I'd like to familiarize you with how I choose the posted art every week. I receive about 20 - 30 submissions every week, and on average I end up labeling maybe 10 of them "definitely post." (By the way, it really helps me when you put the something like "FF7, Cloud Strife" in the subject line, rather than just "my fanart.") Then, I label another 5 of them "maybe post." At the end of the week, I choose twelve pictures. The ones labeled "maybe post" are backlogged for next week, and the rest are laid to rest in a special folder on my hard drive. Now, I know that many will think this unfair, but when I judge fanart, I don't think about if I like it or not; I think about if the public will like it or not. Many disgruntled web surfers result when they click a picture, wait five minutes for it to load, look, and say, ".........." So I try my hardest to make the majority of people happy.

I know how frustrating it is to submit a picture and see nothing come about, (it's happened to me too!) but do keep trying! I keep Critique Corner for your reference, and if you have a question I will answer you through e-mail. For your reference, I have created a little document for you, How to get your Fanart Posted.

Thanks for making my job so fun!

Most Bishounen FF7!

Final Fantasy 7
pen, color pencils, Photoshop

The One I Care About

Prismacolor pencils

Ahead on our Way

Final Fantasy 5

Maria and Seibzehn

Young Wang

Aeris looks up at a Visitor

Final Fantasy VII
watercolor, 3DstudioMax
Young Wang

The Final Eve

Parasite Eve
Young Wang

The Demon Within

Calis Cheah

Locke holds the Phoenix magicite

Final Fantasy VI
Meta-Creations Painter 5

Fei Daydreams

Micrografx Picture Publisher v5.0

Graveler is unstoppable


Edea thinks carefully

Final Fantasy VIII
markers, colored pencils
Jayme Barnes

Cute Little Feena


Ask Lorelai (A Critique Corner spin-off)

Hey. First off, I want to say you're doing a -great- job with the fan art section. Before you came along, I never even bothered to check the fan art section, but it's more than just "Here are a bunch of pictures I chose from my mailbox at random" now. You've helped my drawing ability quite a bit with your Critique Corner section, too.

I had a fan art piece I was working on with Rydia, but I couldn't get her to look like a little girl -- just like a miniature full-grown woman. Also, a piece I was working on that was completely unrelated to RPGs -- it was inspired in part by Dream Theater's "A Change of Seasons," if you've ever heard that -- had two babies at the focus of the picture, and those came out looking like Raggedy Anne dolls with diapers. Could you maybe put up some help for how to draw babies and little children?

Andy Procter

Lorelai: Heh, it is SO weird how the fanart I was working on for the week always coincides with someone's question. How lucky! Well, Andy, you could try checking my Xenogears fanart that I submitted this week. In the picture I've drawn Bartholemew and Marguerite Fatima, who are supposed to be around 13 and 9 years old, respectively, in this picture. I'm no expert, but I did grab a few key points: Bart, in his budding teen years, is lanky and thin, yet muscular, especially about the arms. His proportions are still juveniles. Margie's face is rounder and her eyes are bigger; her arms are thinner yet childishly round still; indeed, her entire body shows youth because it is not lean and wiry like Bart's. And of course there's always size difference ^_^ If you want to illustrate babies, just drastically round-ize Margie's features. Babies have very large heads (and in anime, VERY large eyes), and every part of their body is rounder and chubbier than even the youngest toddler. Babies tend to bundle into a ball, pull their feet up, and make fists rather than open palms.

Critique Corner V
Bravery and Rote
Artist: Dragonwynd
Subject: Red XIII
Medium: Pen, Pencil
Comment: I hope it's good, since it took me about 8-9 days to finish it. If you want, you can use this for critiquing.
Great job Dragonwynd, Your RedXIII came out quite accurate. It must have been tedious to work on this drawing for so long. Anyway, since I know that you used the Squaresoft version of RedXIII as a basis for your art, there's not much I can critique. However, I do suggest that you try and draw Red over again, this time without any reference. Drawing once with a model teaches your hand the proper moves and techniques to draw that certain subject, and I swear, your hand actually REMEMBERS how to do it. You will find that drawing it again will be immensely easier. And when that happens, try different poses and stronger shading with your pencil. It will make Red more alive.
Artist: Sarah Ashrael
Subject: Heroes of Suikoden II
Medium: colored pencils
Comment: And for the critiques corner, I want to ask about the folds in the clothings. I just simply can't get it right! (see the pic and you'll know what i mean)
It's not that you can't get it right, Sarah, it's that you have a fear of it. From your picture, I don't see an attempt at folds at all. Be brave!!! Lorelai is beside you! (valiant music plays) er yeah...well, anyway, All I can suggest is: observe real wrinkles. Folds in clothes are visible everywhere you look. Your sleeve; your classmate's sweater; everywhere. You can also "fake it" soemtimes with S-shaped curves and general V-squiggles, but I don't suggest it. For reference, you can look at the fanart I submitted (at top) especially Margie's sleeve and pants. I drew those while observing my own clothes in a mirror.

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