
R P G A M E R . C O M   - R O U N D T A B L E

Minimalism and Technology

Liv: Games have evolved through the years - from having no cut-scenes to being chock-full of them! Are there advantages to having minimal cut-scenes? Are there disadvantages stemming from the technology used in making cut-scenes in newer games?

Liv: For me, being so used to cut-scenes, going back and playing a game like the original Final Fantasy is just weird.

Liv: I feel like I have no direction!

Christopher: Well, like said earlier, too many really cuts into the gameplay.

Liv: But I guess, for those who enjoy just going out and fighting, strategizing, customizing and the like, it may be nice to not have as much text to read.

Christopher: You don't need cutscenes for direction, really.

Liv: What about a game like Quest 64?

Christopher: What about it?

Andrew: Yeah... at first I found cutscenes intrusive, but once I realized their potential, I grew to accept them... more or less.

Liv: I, personally... absolutely love that game (though I know just about everyone hates it).

Liv: That game has about... no cut-scenes... at all.

Andrew: There's no real sense in yearning for a simpler time, ecuz in my experience, good games continue to be good, cutscenes or no.

Derek: I disliked that game greatly for a variety of reasons.

Christopher: True...but did the lack of cutscenes make it bad? I don't think so.

Christopher: It was other reasons.

Derek: But the lack of cutscenes didn't have anything to do with it.

Christopher: Not that I hate the game by any means.

Liv: Well, without cut-scenes... it's a lot harder to have sudden plot changes and twists, right?

Liv: It's hard to really develop characters enough to be surprised by things.

Christopher: I think Quest manages it's "plot-twists" rather well... considering... actually...

Christopher: True, the characters didn't have much development.

Liv: What about the newer technology in today's games?

Liv: It is a lot better being able to see and hear what happens in cut-scenes?

Liv: As opposed to just reading dialog from sprites?

Liv: Does anyone have any views on it...?

Christopher: I actually prefer to read the dialogue, myself.

Christopher: Let's me form the character myself, rather than being told how he's supposed to act.

Liv: See, I'm kind of the same way.

Liv: Most of my favorite RPGs are from the days when text boxes were all cut-scenes were.

Adam: I like a little of both.

Adam: The character is going to be who he is, but if i get to feel like i'm 'pushing' him in the direction I want, then it is better that way.

Adam: He or she.

Liv: Yea.

Liv: It's almost like... you get to interact with the game a little more.

Liv: It puts your unique view into the game a bit.

Christopher: That's another thing... RPGs today never let you select what your characters say.

Adam: I don't like it when you want the main character to do one thing, and he refuses.

Christopher: Even a simple "Yes/No".

Adam: When I played the original Suikoden, I fought tooth and nail to stay in the imperial army.

Adam: The game wasn't having any of it - they FORCED me to lead the revolution.

Liv: I *greatly* enjoy games with different options on what to do.

Christopher: But at least you had the option to try to go against it.

Christopher: Nowadays, you don't even get that.

Adam: Kind of - you say "no, thats dumb," and everyone just says "Come on Lefty McDohl, we have to avenge the citizens" or whatever.

Liv: Yeah - now all the characters are pretty much set in stone what they like/do/eat for dinner...

Christopher: Lefty McDohl, eh?

Adam: It just seemed to fit.

Liv: Chrono Cross was nice in that you actually got choices sometimes - and it affected what characters you got in your party.

Christopher: One of the reasons Chrono Cross is one of my favorite games.

Adam: Yeah. Out of the 500 characters you can choose from.

Christopher: It's only 40 <.<

Liv: Even though I didn't like to ***SPOILER***... I always wanted to get Glenn in my party 'cuz he was hot, hehehehe.

Adam: It still sucked to move your elements and characters around.

Christopher: I'll admit, I did end up using the same 3 or 4 characters every time.

Christopher: But still...

Liv: Yea, I know what you mean there.

Liv: But at least you get to use characters you like, and not be forced to use ones you hate.

Liv: It was your own unique party.

Christopher: Like how I don't have to get Pierre!

Adam: Pierre sucked.

Christopher: Obviously.

Liv: Ahahaha.

Liv: Well... it looks like everyone's starting to run out of things to say...

Liv: Does anybody have anything else they'd like to add?

Derek: Not I.

Adam: Yeah, um, more cutscenes is not always better. The end.

Christopher: Lies.

Liv: ^^;

Liv: Ok, well, I guess that'll be it then!

Liv: Thanks y'all for comin'!

Adam: Metal Gear Sigint is the best cutscene ever!

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