
R P G A M E R . C O M   - R O U N D T A B L E

Aspects of Quality

Liv: There are many different aspects relating to the quality of cut-scenes. What are some of the most important elements? Also, what are some games you would deem as having the highest quality cut-scenes?

Liv: I try, lol.

Adam: I might get bashed for this, but the whole Xenosaga series really impressed me.

Andrew: Well... plot advancement is obviously important, but some attention to the rudimentary elements of cinematography never hurts.

Christopher: Voice acting is huge. If I can't stand the voices, I'm not going to enjoy the scene.

Derek: I'm not that far, but FFXII's opening was at least very nice.

Liv: Voice-acting is a big thing for me, too.

Derek: Yeah.

Andrew: And yes... I can't count the number of reviews I've written complaining about horrendous voice acting.

* Liv wishes that she could watch FFXII's opening.

Andrew: If somebody walking by is likely to find the voice acting preposterous, then there's something wrong .

Liv: Or any of it for that matter.

Andrew: Because video games should at least have the same level of dramatic complexity of... oh, say, a saturday morning cartoon, in any case.

Andrew: I don't really hope for the next coming of Shakespeare.

Christopher: Hehe.

Liv: One thing that definitely helps along that line is if the dialogue is actually believable.

Andrew: But you'd think we're at least at the point where SOME attention is paid to this sort of thing.

Liv: So the cut-scenes need to be written well.

Andrew: And if FFXII is any indication...

Andrew: We may be. ^^

Andrew: (finally)

Adam: Have you seen the scene compilations from the CDi Zelda games? They're horrendous.

Christopher: I love those things.

Christopher: I'm so hungry I could eat a dodongo!

* Liv has never heard of those! O.o

Adam: He says octorok.

Christopher: Whatever.

Adam: He can't WAIT to bomb dodongos!

Derek: I may have, but I'm not sure.

Adam: And the ending of the one where you play as Link.

Adam: "I just saved you from Ganon!" "You did not!"

Christopher: Yeah, it's been a while since I've seen them.

Adam: What the heck?!

Christopher: The Hotel Mario ones aren't much better.

Liv: In my opinion, if I can actually imagine someone in a real movie saying the dialogue (as opposed to the crappiness that is, say, Disney Channel movies), then it is good writing.

Liv: I tend to abhor corny in-game puns... and things of that nature.

* Andrew agrees wholeheartedly.

Christopher: I think it depends on how they're used.

Andrew: I just dislike that voice clips are recorded separately often.

Andrew: If you're going to stage a conversation...

Andrew: You should at least do so in one sound clip, regardless of what impact that has on load times .

Liv: I would definitely agree with you there.

Andrew: Because otherwise you get character reactions that just don't sound natural.

Liv: Ahahaha, exactly.

Andrew: I'm willing to wait that extra few seconds.

Adam: Kingdom Hearts 2 had a few voices that were dubbed straight in from the Disney movies

Liv: AHAHA! Yeah, like the James Earl Jones part in the Pride Lands.

Adam: That's not even cool. Cut corners somewhere else.

Liv: I could quote them as he was saying them.

Christopher: Oh wow, I didn't even notice that.

Liv: What are some games that you think have the best cut-scenes?

Andrew: <.< FFXII for one, much as I guess I could still be in the novelty phase.

Adam: NOT the Zelda CDi games.

Andrew: KotOR had some pretty good cutscenes, too.

Adam: But Kingdom Hearts and XS series had some quality cut scenes.

Andrew: And Xenosaga wasn't bad, even if I do find the game dull at stretches.

Christopher: I'm going to need to say Xenosaga here - I love those things.

Christopher: FFXII's haven't impressed me that much outside of the opening.

Adam: XS2 was the worst of the three, but the cutscenes still delivered.

Adam: Especially when ***SPOILER***

Andrew: I've enjoyed FFXII's strictly cuz of the writing.

Andrew: OMG SPOILER!!!

* Andrew stabs Odd's ears out in a bizarre departure.


Adam: XS2 has been out way over a year. Also, I can no longer hear.

Christopher: Back on track, FFXII's writing hasn't really grabbed me either.

Andrew: :o

* Andrew refuses to speak to you ever again.

Christopher: That's right, I said it.

Christopher: I've found the story quite boring so far... and I found out earlier that I'm a good portion through the game already.

Christopher: I'm still waiting for something good to happen.

Andrew: Hmph.

Derek: ^^;

Liv: I really need to hurry up and get FFXII... I just need to find time to play it.

Liv: But I digress.

Liv: Why don't we head on to the next topic before things get too heated in here?

Liv: Hehehe.

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