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Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Average Score: 3.57/5
[Read] Andrew Long Small-Cap Gains 4.5/5 Official Staff Review
[Read] Anna Marie Privitere Featuring Pint-Sized Packaging 3.0/5 Official Staff Review
[Read] Cortney Stone That's the Meaning of Amalgamate 3.0/5 Official Staff Review
[Read] Derek 'Roku' Cavin Link's Shortest Adventure Yet 4.0/5 Official Staff Review
[Read] Nick Ferris 2-D Zelda Makes A Triumphant Return 4.0/5 Official Staff Review
[Read] Solon ...where the smallest puddle becomes a terrible swamp! 3.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] Unofficial Reader Reviewer "Hey, man, the hat's talkin'!" 3.5/5 Reader Review


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