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Final Fantasy IV Average Score: 3.67/5
[Read] Anna Marie Privitere "I'm Just a Dark Knight!" 3.5/5 Official Staff Review
[Read] Jake Alley Birth of the Plot Driven RPG 4.0/5 Official Staff Review
[Read] Derek 'Roku' Cavin Switching Sides 3.5/5 Unofficial Staff Review
[Read] Andrew Long Final Fantasy IV 3.5/5 Reader Review
[Read] Desh A Small Step for Japan, a Giant Leap for America 2.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] Deshrill Final Fantasy IV 3.5/5 Reader Review
[Read] jaraph A Story Worth Reading 4.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] LordoftheFleas Most Influential~RPG 4.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] Mogexpress The greatest of all the crystals 5.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] MrCHUPON One of Square's Crowning Achievements 5.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] Robert McClung The Classic Classic 4.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] Robust Stu A True Classic 3.0/5 Reader Review
[Read] Unofficial Reader Reviewer Dark to Light 3.5/5 Reader Review
[Read] Zachary Lewis A Legend In Its Time 3.0/5 Reader Review


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