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Monster Hunter: World Details Multiplayer


Monster Hunter: World

Capcom released some new details and Japanese screenshots covering some of the multiplayer options in Monster Hunter: World. For the multiplayer, up to sixteen players can gather at a hub that takes the form of a tavern on the deck of a ship. Here players can interact, including having arm-wrestling contests against each other or testing out weapons in a training area. Many of the features of the tavern are also available in single-player.

At the tavern, players can do various things including taking on various quests. Most quests in the game can be done in either single-player or multiplayer with up to three others. Players can also join quests and explorations already in progress, though if they do so after a certain time period it will not be counted as a full clear for them. There are different types of quests, such as limited-time quests that contribute to a ranking system for players.

Monster Hunter: World also features squads, where players can create a large community. Squads can have up to fifty members, and get their own gathering hub and can send messages to each other. Individual players can be part of up to eight squads at once.

Players can choose a specific gathering hub to enter, enter one at random, or create their own hub (public or private). Various settings can be applied to encourage certain types of players, such as language, skill level, and quest type preference.

Monster Hunter: World arrives on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One worldwide on January 26, 2018, with a Playstation 4 beta set to run from December 9, 2017, to December 12, 2017. A PC version is planned for a later date.

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