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Aksys Announces Record of Agarest War Zero for the US


Record of Agarest War Zero

Eagle-eyed watchers of RPGamer's news stories may have spotted the recent announcement of UK-based publisher Ghostlight bringing several Idea Factory titles across to Europe. Record of Agarest War Zero, also known as Agarest Senki Zero, is the prequel to the PS3 strategy RPG Record of Agarest War, which has been announced by Aksys Games to be coming to US shores on retail disks for both the PlayStation 3 and XBox 360.

In light of the previous game's gigantic 10GB PSN download, Ben Bateman, Localization Editor, has remarked regarding the prequel "It was made excessively clear to us that there are a number of people who do not care for downloading their videogames. I am told this number is bigger than a breadbox, and so we have gone to great lengths—I personally have killed at least five orcs—to ensure that everyone will have the opportunity of sliding a shiny, new physical disc into the console of their choice. Or both, if they are into that sort of thing."

Similar to recent Idea Factory title Trinity Universe, character portraits are now animated. Just like the original game, Agarest War Zero also features some dating sim elements, including the return of the "Soul Breed" system and characters who change outfits and dialog as they grow more fond of the main character.

Record of Agarest War Zero does not have a confirmed release date, and Aksys Games has made no mention of a "Really Naughty Limited Edition" as yet.

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