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No Truce with the Furies Renamed Disco Elysium, Releases 2018


Indie Games

Indie developer ZA/UM announced that its upcoming title that combines an RPG with a hardboiled cop show, originally titled No Truce with the Furies, is now named Disco Elysium. The game, which is being published by The Humble Bundle, will be released for PC in the second half of 2018. With the announcement of the new name, the developer also released a new trailer, viewable below.

Disco Elysium looks to combine its cop show aspects with a sci-fi and fantasy setting. Players take on the role of a disgraced police lieutenant in the seaside town of Revachol. The game features a massive open-ended case with multiple ways of solving it, set-piece combat sequences, and a character progression system involving twenty-four potential skills, as well as a music score created by the band British Sea Power. The game will be present at the Indie Megabooth at PAX East in April.

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