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Game(s): Final Fantasy VIII
Download: [800x600 (335.16k)]
Comment: This is a wallpaper I made of Rinoa Heartilly from FFVIII.I got the idea for it from a Yuna wallpaper I saw on a friends site.It's actually my very first RPG wallpaper,and I'm rather proud of it^_^
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Wallpaper Featured Submission
Download: [1024x768 (109.71k)]
Comment: This is a wallpaper of Lulu I made with one of her official arts,and a border of the moogle and cait sith dolls.I put her main quote in(the japanese version of it,because it looked cooler,heh)and well..I guess that's all.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [1024x768 (118.88k)]
Comment: This is a wallpaper I made of Yuna,from FFX.I put 3 differant official wallpapers together and added a few pics,and tossed in some quotes made by her in the game.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [800x600 (289.18k)]
Comment: This is a Yuna wallpaper I made today, actually. One of my best yet, i'd say. So pretty.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X-2
Download: [1024x768 (439.92k)]
Comment: This took about twenty minutes to make.Seriously,it did!7 layers,4 of images and the other 3 of text.I used the two fonts for Yuna's name to represent how she's changed since FFX.I'm really excited about the new FFX,and I cannot wait until it comes out!
Game(s): Suikoden II
Download: [800x600 (514.72k)]
Comment: This is just a simple Suikoden 2 wallpaper I made using pics of my favorite girls from the game. It took me about half an hour to make, and I think it's pretty cool. Enjoy ^_^


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