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Fifi Boyd
Game(s): Chrono Cross
Download: [1024x768 (509.83k)]
Comment: This is a simply made wallpaper using photoshop.
Game(s): Drakengard
Download: [800x600 (154.37k)]
Comment: A simple wallpaper of Furiae from Drakengard. I made it when I got the urge, and simply because I'm obsessed with the game.
Game(s): Drakengard
Download: [800x600 (184.25k)]
Comment: A simple wallpaper of Caim from Drakengard. I made it when I got the urge, and simply because I'm obsessed with the game.
Game(s): Drakengard
Download: [800x600 (190.81k)]
Comment: A simple wallpaper of Furiae from Drakengard. I made it when I got the urge, and simply because I'm obsessed with the game.
Game(s): Final Fantasy IV
Download: [1024x768 (73.1k)]
Comment: Here are a few wallpapers that I have never submitted. One is from FFIV and the others FFX.
Game(s): Final Fantasy V
Download: [1024x768 (119.25k)]
Comment: Ah,another wallpaper. The only diffrence this time it's from FFV. The background is just a simple snowy looking effect. Kinda looks like ice sickles are dripping from ledges. Welp,thats about all to say about it. Hope you enjoy it!
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Download: [1024x768 (200.76k)]
Comment: Two wallpapers, one from KH2 other FFVII. If you have requests, which I take all, e-mail [email protected]
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Download: [1024x768 (189.52k)]
Comment: A wallpaper of Cloud from FFVII. Requests? E-mail them to me!
Game(s): Final Fantasy VIII
Download: [1024x768 (58.35k)]
Comment: This is one of the few wallpapers I've made that I actually like. It features Squall from one of the best games of all time. Enjoy!
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [800x600 (464.96k)]
Comment: Just another FFX Tidus wallpaper. Can never get enough Tidus, eh?
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [1024x768 (295.34k)]
Comment: Just another FFX Tidus wallpaper, nothing too special ;D!
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [800x600 (123.43k)], [1024x768 (185.44k)]
Comment: This wallpaper is of Lulu. If anyone ACTUALLY likes me work I will take requests. Just e-mail them to me.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [800x600 (134.21k)], [1024x768 (195.55k)]
Comment: This wallpaper was made when I was bored. I am not going to make a whole new set of FFX wallpapers! Ohhh boy,what fun I shall have! This is the first one. It's of Yuna. I originally planned for it to be blue but somehow the colors turned to pinks and purples.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [800x600 (143.97k)], [1024x768 (193.43k)]
Comment: This is the Rikku wallpaper from my new set of FFX Wallpapers. I think it looks really nice.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [1024x768 (108.8k)]
Comment: This is a weird wallpaper. I was running out of ideas so I went crazy with the smudge tool.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [800x600 (133.73k)], [1024x768 (182.26k)]
Comment: Not many wakka wallpapers. Here is one!
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [800x600 (144.41k)], [1024x768 (196.93k)]
Comment: This is a wallpaper of Auron. Nothing special.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [800x600 (162.31k)]
Comment: A simple bright wallpaper featuring Yuna.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [800x600 (132.31k)], [1024x768 (136.66k)]
Comment: This is a wallpaper for Tidus of FFX. So far I think it is better than the rest. All I did was combine the swirly effect with a crystal image.
Game(s): Final Fantasy X
Download: [1024x768 (169.09k)]
Comment: This wallpaper was made when I was bored. It's also one of the rarest things around,a Jecht wallpaper!
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