
   Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen  
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen is an expansion that includes new areas, weapons, skills, and upgrades as well the entire original game.

· PS3
· Xbox 360

· Capcom

Capcom Japan
Capcom US
Capcom Europe

  Release Date  
04.25.2013 Japan
04.23.2013 US
04.26.2013 Europe
· Reviews
· Screenshots
· Packaging
· Art
·Dragon's Dogma 360 Version Losing Servers 03.01.2018  
·Dragon's Dogma Highlights Console Visual Upgrade 09.29.2017  
·Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen PS4, Xbox One Release Date Revealed 08.10.2017  
·Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Shows Its Upgraded Version 07.21.2017  
·Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen Climbing onto PS4, Xbox One 05.23.2017  
·Dragon's Dogma Dated on PC 12.17.2015  
·Dragon's Dogma Arises on PC 09.08.2015  
·New Trailer for Dark Arisen 02.12.2013  
·Dragon's Dogma Will Arise Again in April 01.23.2013  

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