
Fan Fiction - 8th June, 2002
Updater on Duty: TSG
In TSG's Head: The last vestiges of the most stressful week I've had in 3 years.
In TSG's PC: Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. Oh my good lord this game is perfect.
In TSG's Ears: A brand-spanking-new set of extremely high quality earphones, and obscenely loud music.

TSG sez: This week...

This week has been absolutely nuts. This week has, hands down, been the most stressful week for 3 years, for a great number of reasons ranging from my housemates giving out my phone number to an IRC akill evader, to my bimonthly parental phonecall driving me to tears on the stairs, to my smacking my knuckles open on the wall after a particularly harrowing day and not being too able to type too well for a day or two after.

No matter, we're back and we're good. I'm still on the last vestiges of stress and have some other business to take care of so there's only three new fics tonight (though Generation II is a nicely long fic for your perusal) but that will get made up later.

In addition, a brief pause was required to train up a new fanfic reviewer. Choosing from amidst the 30 entries I got was very possibly the hardest thing I have /ever/ done. Every single application was absolutely great, and the process of whittling them down was, beyond a doubt, one of the hardest decisions I've had to make pertaining to this section. But, one had to be chosen, and as such, I present your new reviewer, the inimitable Uncle Pervy:-

Uncle Pervy sez: Hello everyone, I'm Uncle Pervy, and I'll be reading and rating your fics. That's right. The guy who seldom if ever got any C&C from you guys is now reading and rating your work. That's right. I hang around the RPGFFML; I know who you are. Now, every time you send in your fics, you'll have to wonder: "Does Pervy hold a grudge?"

Luckily for you, I don't! ^_^

But there is a point to that. Send the authors your love, people! Writing is a labor of love, and nothing thrills a fanwriter like getting feedback. Trust me, you'll make some friends for life who will do nice things for you when you need it.

Ah, I'm looking forward to reading through some of the wonderful fics that I know are coming in. And before I forget, let me plug a project that a friend and I work on, RPG Deathmatch. It's an ongoing comedy series that we have been writing, although recent problems have set us back. Episode 8 is coming soon!

Anyway, send in your fics, I look forward to reading them! And I guarantee I will approve of any Terra/Rydia yuri. (Hint hint) ;-)

TSG sez: Hey, I only hired him, don't ask me.

In addition, here's my plug for this week: the awesome, awesome sprite site I mentioned many moons ago has moved and needs your clicky love, now at this location. The owner has squidloads of sprites for all your favorite SNES and PSX games. Go looky.

That's all for us for now, and sorry about the unusually wordy update. I'll see you all on Monday where I'll be taking a brief toddle over to the Q&A section, so watch out for that and be ready to send in your most potentially embarassing and obscure questions.

The Steel "uguuuu~~..." Gunner

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8 in Accept
18 in Pending
Next Update: Friday 15

Fan Fiction Staff

Caffeinated Englishman

Roger Ostrander
Nerdy Guy in the Corner

Matt Scipione
Prolific Empowerer of the Archaic Course
Ferryman of the Ethereal Weave

Niki Dinner
Priestess of Everything Dew

Uncle Pervy
He Who Wants To Be An Air Pilot

Lady of Temporal Termination
Cranky Sysadmin

Technical Assistant and Nifty Person

New Fan Fiction - June 8th, 2002
Stressed out TSG means less fics than normal this week, not to mention I have to dash off almost immediately. Next update will be larger to make up for it.
Where The Heart Goes
By: Alanna
(Suikoden 2) Flik and Hix's meeting and confrontation on theone day of the year that truly matters to them both. Excellent characterization and top-notch writing. A lovely piece.
By: Al Kristopher
(Final Fantasy 8) Al returns with this wonderfully written FF8 fic about two of the more obscure and forgotten characters. Very nicely written fic, with an absolute stonker of an ending.
FFVII Generation 2: Loss of Innocence
By: Eric Bakutis
(Final Fantasy 7) I've owed Eric this fic being up for a loooong time now, and with the reduced amount of fanfiction this update and it's length, I thought I'd throw it up for you all. A next-generation fic that's nicely written and finally up on the archives.