
05 - I Wanna Draw With Somebody Fan Art << 
Chika - Shabon, Sgt. Joe - Suikoden 3 HokutenKnight - Viera Summoner - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Kenton Alkemi - Max - Dark Cloud 2 Rachel York - Hugo - Suikoden 3
Ramandeep - Cloud, Kadaj - FF7: Advent Children shojokakumeii00 - Rubedo - Xenosaga Episode II
Tommy Moo - Karin - Shadow Hearts: Covenant Wyna Hiros - Paine - Final Fantasy X-2
    >> With Somebody Who Loves Art

The final qualifying round for OmniArt 2005 is here, but we'll get to that in just a second. We have another incredible line-up this week, starting with three lovely Final Fantasy pieces. First is another wonderful Viera from HokutenKnight (She can summon me anytime she likes!). Then we have our first fan art look at Kadaj from Advent Children courtesy of Ramandeep, and Wyna Hiros sends in a stunning Paine. Suikoden 3 has been a hot topic around here lately, and this week is no different with two submissions for the game. The first comes to us from Chika and depicts an adorable Shabon having her way with poor Sgt. Joe. The other is Rachel York's second of three entries in her series depicting the main heroes of Suikoden 3 (Lady Chris next week!). Kenton Alkemi sends in some sketches of Max from Dark Cloud 2 practicing his Spheda game, and shojokakumeii00 keeps the Rubedo fangirls out there happy for another week. Finally, Tommy Moo's Karin from Shadow Hearts: Covenant will keep the fanboys of ... well, really hot girls happy for another week.

So I was sitting around listening to some Whitney Houston the other day when I thought, "I should be thinking of something for the next round of OmniArt instead of listening to Whitney Houston." And then, the next thing I know, Whitney is there in my living room and she says to me, "Nick, you gotta use your heart, not your head. Feel the next fan art contest here, inside your soul."

So I jumped up out of my seat and said, "You're right! I know just what the next challenge will be."

And Whitney said, "There ya go, Nick! Now you're talkin'! So your next contest challenge will be..."

"RPG girls in bikinis!"

Whitney just shook her head and said, "No, Nick. Here, I already typed the HTML for you. Just copy and paste."

"Yes, ma'am..."

  Qualifying Round 6 - I Wanna Draw With Somebody  

First Prize: $35 Gift Certificate to
Round Opens: Friday, July 29, 2005
Submission Deadline: Monday, August 29, 2005 at 11:59pm PST
Winners Announced: Friday, September 2, 2005

The Challenge

This is your last chance to clinch a spot in the finals of OmniArt 2005, so give it your all!

This is another simple theme challenge, but the hard part is making your submission stand out from the rest. Your submission for this round should include an RPG character or characters dancing. Any dance will do. Maybe you'll have a disco battle between the Final Fantasy characters, or perhaps you'll show off Mario's square-dancing skills. Make the music come alive and make us feel like we're right there dancing with your characters. As long as it's dancing, it's fair game. (That said, several judges strongly encourage you to stay away from Dance Dance Revolution.)

Except as specified above, all other normal fan art submission guidelines apply. Please be sure to include "[CONTEST] Artist Name - Title of Work" in your submission e-mail's subject line. All entries should be submitted to by 11:59pm PST on Monday, August 29, 2005. Please note that we cannot accept entries after this deadline for any reason. For confirmation that your entry was received, please include an automatic read receipt request with your e-mail.

Judging Criteria
  • 60% Implementation of Idea
  • 30% Creativity of Idea
  • 10% Fulfillment of Contest Guidelines

As always, send in your questions regarding your questions to the usual fan art address with "[CONTEST] Question" in the subject line, or you can just ask away in this week's forum thread. Now if you'll excuse me, I think Whitney Houston is rooting through my refrigerator...

- Nick "Dancing The Night Away" Ferris


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