
05 - Till Death Do Us Art Fan Art << 
Barananduen - Irvine - Final Fantasy 8 Chris Myers - Chrono, Frog, Magus - Chrono Trigger
Delphine Pryde - Chris - Suikoden 3 HokutenKnight - Vierra Archer - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Kenton Alkemi - Albert - Romancing SaGa Maeva - Shiva - Final Fantasy 10
Paul Carsten - Cast - Final Fantasy 6 Sajomir - Zack - Final Fantasy 7
Sarah Franks - Tifa, Chocobo - Final Fantasy 7 shojokakumeii00 - Citrine - Xenosaga Episode II
    >> Something Old, Something New...

Welcome back for another week of new submissions and a new contest announcement. First up from our artists is a saucy selection of fantastic Final Fantasy works starting off with a hatless Irvine by Barananduen. Next is a Zack-tacular zubmission from Sajomir, followed by a terrific Tifa with a charming chocobo from Sarah Franks. Shiva's been a popular character around here lately, and Maeva's is certainly one of my favorites. HokutenKnight's Vierra series continues with an awesome archer. The final Fantasy this week comes to us from Paul Carsten and features a stunning shot of the cast from Final Fantasy 6. In other art news, Kenton Alkemi sends in another adorable Albert, shojokakumeii00 delivers a sensational sketch of Citrine, Delphie Pryde shows off a beautiful (is there any other kind?) Suikoden 3 Chris, and Chris Myers reminds us of the adventures of Chrono and company with his wonderful work.

If you've been following my obnoxious rants for the last several months, then you probably know I'm getting married in nine short weeks. While all this planning will probably make me never want to hear the word "wedding" again after August, I just couldn't help but share the experience with all of you!

  Qualifying Round 5 - Till Death Do Us Art  

First Prize: $35 Gift Certificate to
Round Opens: Saturday, June 11, 2005
Submission Deadline: Monday, July 11, 2005 at 11:59pm PST
Winners Announced: Saturday, July 16, 2005

The Challenge

The challenge for Round Five will put your creative juices to the test as you figure out how best to fulfill a rather broad theme. For this round, all entries should revolve around the notion of weddings. As those who have gone through the long and arduous process of wedding planning know, there's a lot that goes into planning a wedding day--hundreds, even thousands of hours for something that lasts just a few hours. So in addition to depicting a scene from the actual wedding ceremony or reception, your submission can showcase any of the dozens of events that lead up to the big day. From the proposal to the honeymoon, as long as it is has to do with weddings or wedding planning, you can put it in your submission. (Quick reminder: As with all submissions to RPGamer Fan Art, please avoid sexual or other inappropriate themes in your work.)

If you have no idea what goes into a wedding, or you'd just like some help coming up with a particularly creative idea, here are a few links to wedding checklists that enumerate all of the little details that go into a wedding:

One last guideline, and it's an important one. You must somehow include the bride and/or groom in your work. It should be pretty obvious who the bride and/or groom is, though they don't need to be in their wedding day attire if your work doesn't take place on the wedding day. Also, while this probably goes without saying, you can pick any RPG characters for your wedding party, and you can even cross characters from different RPGs.

Clarification #1 Same sex marriages and polygamous marriages are acceptable for this contest.

Clarification #2 Marry anybody to anybody. They can be already married, divorced, complete strangers, anybody! Just make sure they're RPG characters.

Except as specified above, all other normal fan art submission guidelines apply. Please be sure to include "[CONTEST] Artist Name - Title of Work" in your submission e-mail's subject line. All entries should be submitted to by 11:59pm PST on Monday, July 11, 2005. Please note that we cannot accept entries after this deadline for any reason. For confirmation that your entry was received, please include an automatic read receipt request with your e-mail.

Judging Criteria
  • 60% Implementation of Idea
  • 30% Creativity of Idea
  • 10% Fulfillment of Contest Guidelines

As usual, if you have questions about the contest, or if you just want to double-check if your idea meets the guidelines, send them to with "[CONTEST] Question" in the subject line.

- Nick "HONOR AND OBEY!!!" Ferris


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