
05 - Beets Are A Very Misunderstood Vegetable Fan Art << 
Barananduen - Cloud, Sephiroth - Kingdom Hearts Doc - Zidane - Final Fantasy 9
Gouden Draak - Valefor - Final Fantasy 10 HokutenKnight - Vierra Assassin - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Memii - Yuna - Final Fantasy X-2 Sailok - Asgard - Wild Arms 3
Tana - Claidie, Semih Lafihna, Cornelia, Lion, Star Sibyl - Final Fantasy 11 Temple Priestess - Tao - Shining Force
    >> The Ambassadors of Unhappy

The Star Trek finale was nice. Very nice. I'm not going to cry. *sniff*

  1. This Update. The Starship Arterprise is entering the system with a cargo bay full of art straight from the 24th century. First off is Captain Barananduen who orders a deleted scene from Kingdom Hearts to be put onscreen, followed by the ship's Doc with a hypospray full of Zidane. Commander Gouden Draak, report to the bridge, and bring your Valefor! Lieutenant Commander HokutenKnight is detecting a Vierra Assassin off the port bow. Quick, Lieutenant Memii, lock Yuna on target! Ensign Sailok, get us out of here and set a course for Wild Arms 3. Wait, Counselor Tana senses that you're stressed and orders you to take a break with the recently completed Women of Vana'diel program on the holodeck. Hopefully Chief Engineer Temple Priestess actually has the holodeck working so that Tao from Shining Force doesn't mysteriously appear and try to take over the ship.

  2. Next Week. If you only come to RPGamer for the awesome fan art, you might not know that next week is E3, the biggest videogame convention on this side of the universe. Most of the RPGamer staff will be in Los Angeles for the event, so I'll be filling in other roles and helping to provide the most complete and up-to-date E3 RPG coverage you'll find anywhere. Because the deluge of news will last well into next weekend, most of the Interaction sections, including Fan Art, will be on hiatus next week. It just wouldn't be fair to the submissions that would be posted next week because they'll be drowned out by the news of next-generation consoles and announcements of Final Fantasies 13 through 29. Fan Art will return the following week.

  3. Round Four Ends May 23rd. Don't forget to send in your entries for Round Four of OmniArt 2005 by Monday the 23rd. This will probably be your last reminder, so make sure you put it on a sticky note and stick it to your head. We'll be back on May 28th with the results!

WaaaaAAAAaaAAaAAAaaaah. I'm fine, really.

- Nick Ferris, former Cardassian oppressor


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