Falcom's The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel arrives today in North America on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. Ahead of its release, publisher XSEED Games provided a new trailer for the game, focusing on its combat. The video can be viewed below and shows off the cast of playable characters and each one's special move.
Trails of Cold Steel is set a couple of years after the events of Trails in the Sky, however, it takes place in a different nation in that world and does not require players to have played previous entries to follow the story, though there are direct ties between the games. In addition to its North American release, Trails of Cold Steel is set to be released in Europe by NIS America on January 29, 2016. The game's sequel, Trails of Cold Steel II, is due to be released in North America and Europe later in 2016.
Update — XSEED Games also released a launch trailer for Trails of Cold Steel. This can be viewed below, underneath the battle trailer.