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Game of Game of Thrones Coming in 2012


Game of Thrones

Atlus USA is tackling another European project, this time from French developer Cyanide Studios. The game aptly is titled Game of Thrones and is an action RPG based off of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series and the more recent TV adaptation. While featuring an original story written with Martin's supervision, it will be filled with familiar locations such as the Wall and King's Landing as well as characters from the series.

As for the RPG itself, Game of Thrones will allow players to fill the shoes of one of two original characters as they forge alliances and wage war against in an ongoing battle for dominion in the land of Westeros. This interaction with characters will be central to the experience, as who the player deals with will be key to events within the game. The action combat will include a system known as the "active slowdown tactical combat engine" in which combat slows down for decision making, but never actually stop.

Game of Thrones will be available early in 2012 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. The developers have support from HBO for the project, so the characters will resemble the actors from the TV series. This is the second series title for Cyanide Studios, as the company recently released a real-time strategy game for PC titled Game of Thrones - Genesis which was met with lukewarm reviews.

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