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Sunsoft, Gaijinworks Revive Nihon Telenet Games



Sunsoft, along with new partner Gaijinworks, has announced the purchase of the entire library of games from now-closed publisher Nihon Telenet (known as Renovation for NA publishing). This allows for the duo to publish or remake over 100 games including such RPGs as Tenshi No Uta (Poems of the Angel), , Traysia, Arcus Odyssey, and the Cosmic Fantasy series as well as the Valis Series, El Viento, and Earnest Evans.

Sun Corporation CEO Kiharu Yoshida stated, "I am proud to have succeeded in creating a home for this large family of key software. We plan to carefully cultivate the great software base we have purchased with this transaction."

President of Gaijinworks, Victor Ireland is a key player in this deal and will be working with Sunsoft to develop a publishing plan and development plans for possible remakes. Ireland is quoted as saying, "After Telenet closed, I was sure there was a way to keep their great ideas and characters alive, and I'm extremely happy that Sunsoft has stepped into that role. There are numerous fantastic products to work with in this acquisition, and there is nothing but amazing possibilities for the Telenet IP as a whole."

The first step for Sunsoft is to begin releasing these titles on the Wii's Virtual Console as well as other downloadable platforms. From there key games will be identified for remakes on newer consoles or services. In the case of some titles this will mark their first North America release. Release order will be announced shortly, but in the meantime feel free to visit the new Sunsoft USA message boards.

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