
Emblem Saga Update
Emblem Saga

The team that designed Nintendo's popular Fire Emblem series is back with a new PlayStation tactical RPG known as Emblem Saga. The basic gameplay mechanics will be largely similar to other tactical RPGs, but Emblem Saga will add a new twist - when a character is killed, that character is dead forever. Two types of maps will be found in this game: the Unit Map shows the entire continent and positions of units while the Plan Map allows the planning of movements and management of units.

Emblem Saga throws extra strategic elements into the mix, with terrain and the elements of the opponents affecting the outcome of the battles. Additionally, both allies and enemies can be spoken to during battles, allowing new items or characters to be acquired. The scheduled release date for Japan is in March, 2001, but no North American release has been spoken of yet.

by Justin Weiss    
Source: [Magic Box]
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