With Phantasy Star Online's release just around the corner, Sonic Team, the game's developers, will be holding a "Thank-you" party in Osaka on December 16th. Among the evening's planned events will be a question-and-answer session with the development team, a corner devoted to the history of Sonic Team, and of course, a demonstration of the
Phantasy Star Online. Finally, there will also be a scramble for SonicTeam merchandise, with roshambo(rock-paper-scissors) and quiz competitions. In addition to all the fun and games, there will also be a panel discussion, doubtless to generate further media hype for an already hotly anticipated game.
Anyone in the Osaka area on the 16th might find it worth their while to go to the event; there is no reservation required, and it sounds as though Sonic Team has put together what should be an entertaining evening. For those who are unable to go, the game will be arriving shortly anyway; Phantasy Star Online is scheduled for Japanese release on December 21st, and the North American version is slated to arrive soon after, in January 2001.