Sakura Taisen, a game who's sequels could often be found on Japan's "Most Wanted" charts, is coming to the Sega Dreamcast in a whole new way. Following in the footsteps of the Sakura Taisen-themed VMS comes a complete makeover for the Dreamcast, as well as some other Sakura Taisen-themed Dreamcast products.
On December 26th, a Sakura Taisen Dreamcast System, with a similarily designed VMU included will retail for about 25,800 yen (about $245). Also arriving are controllers for 2,500 yen ($24) and a Dreamcast mail system featuring the characters. This system is based off of a video-phone software seen in Sakura Taisen 2. As with most system remodels, however, the chance of this seeing a North American release is nearly zero.
Sakura Taisen is a strategy-RPG series known for its OAV-style gameplay and dating elements. Unlike other "Dating Simulations," however, the relationships between characters play a fundamental part of the game, affecting such aspects as the stats of the other characters in the game.