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Mac's Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary Journey - Issue 27


Final Fantasy

Real life status effects got in the way of me playing both games this week, so I apologize for just having a single game update. I was able to get my hands on more Final Fantasy XII, so at least we have that. Progress may be slow, but it's still going well, so please enjoy.

If you want to catch up on my prior pieces, here's a link to Issue 26 from last week.

Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (PS4)

After battling through the dungeons with Amalia last week, I was able to fight another boss and make my way into another dungeon or, as some would say, prison. Escaping from Nalbina Dungeons and then through Barheim Passage is something I do recall from my first playthrough, and once again this location served as my main gambit testing ground.

Early on you meet an NPC who sells a ton of gambits, and since they were cheap I bought as many as I could. Once well equipped, I was able to get more of my initial gambits in place. Vaan as a Knight hasn't been great so far, but since I plan to replace him as soon as possible that's not a big loss. There are lots of mimics in this area, and when combined with skeletons and bombs, things can get pretty hectic fast. There was a lot of tweaking things on the fly early on, but once I got my groove I made it to the boss of the area and defeated it with no trouble at all.

I know the changes to this version are more quality of life improvements than foundational ones, but between fast-forwarding, job license boards being better structured, and auto-saving when moving between areas, these have all been fantastic. Auto-saving is easily the most welcomed feature, as save points are still spaced frustratingly far apart. That hasn't been an issue because of dying so much as helping when I want to stop and move to another game. After leaving Barheim, I now have three characters who are not Vaan to use, which makes me super happy. I just need to confirm my job choice for Basch and start filling out his board to keep things flowing. Look for more info next week.

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