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Akiba's Beat Introduces Saki and Kotomi


Akiba's Beat

Acquire released two new character trailers for Akiba's Beat as part of its ongoing series of videos, with past trailers showing main protagonist Asahi Tachibana as well as two of his allies, Riyu Momose and Yamato Hongo. This latest pair of videos focus on Saki Hoshino and Kotomi Sanada.

Saki Hoshino is an eighteen-year-old girl who recently moved to Akibahara to attend school. She is already familiar with the erosions affecting Akibahara prior to meeting Asahi, having been fighting them with her familiar, Pinkun. Kotomi Sanada is seventeen years old and in the third-year of high school, although she doesn't attend. She comes from a distinguished family and has lived with her maid, Yoshino Saionji, since she was young.

Acquire also recently announced the Japanese release date for Akiba's Beat. It will be released in the country for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita on October 13, 2016. XSEED Games will be releasing the game in North America on those same platforms, with the game currently planned for a winter release.

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