Level-5 held its annual Vision event in Japan today, taking time to show off existing games and revealing a couple brand new ones. The company has even hired Brownie Brown to develop some games for them, including a bonus mode in the newest Professor Layton title.
Layton was the first series shown off at the event, with a second trilogy titled Professor Layton Second Season being announced. The bonus mode mentioned previously is part of the first game in this new series. Titled London Life, this mode is being developed by Brownie Brown and the company expects the gameplay to last for upwards of 100 hours. This mode is only playable after completing the game's main story, though.
The next series shown off was Inazuma Eleven with a look at the dual release of Inazuma Eleven 2: Fire and Blizzard versions. The story features aliens coming to earth to play soccer against middle school kids. The aliens use special attacks such as going into space and kicking fireballs. Each of the versions will feature different openings and endings, encouraging purchases of both titles when they release on October 1.
Next up was the Level-5 and Studio Ghibli joint DS RPG, titled Ninokuni: The Another World. The game features turn-based battles, reminiscient of Dragon Quest. Ninokuni is scheduled for Japanese release in Spring 2010 and will be the first DS title to be released on a 4 Gb cartridge. The reason for such a large capacity is that the soundtrack will be handled by Hisaishi Joe, who is responsible for the soundtracks of all of Hayao Miyazaki's movies, and will be fully orchestrated.
Also on the agenda for the show was the new 2D DS RPG Fantasy Life. Level-5 is also teaming up with Brownie Brown on this title, which looks very much like Mother 3 graphically. The trailer showed characters doing lots of different kinds of jobs such as digging, fishing, and cooking. Level-5 has enlisted Nobuo Uematsu to provide twenty-one musical compositions for the game. Each character type has a unique ending and Uematsu will provide a track for each, as well as the ending theme. Fantasy Life will be released in 2010.
Finally, the company also revealed that some games, such as: Ushiro for the PSP and Inazuma Eleven: Break for an unknown console, have not been canceled, but are not in a state where the company is prepared to show them off. Level-5 will be at TGS and convention-goers will have the choice of receiving either a cartridge with few demos of the company's upcoming titles, or a DVD featuring trailers for upcoming titles, but only one of these will be available per person.