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Namco Bandai Discusses Future of Xenosaga Series


Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra

In a recent interview, Namco Bandai discussed the past, present and future of the Xenosaga series. Foremost in the discussion was the upcoming Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra, scheduled for release later this month. According to Namco Bandai, Xenosaga III took some of the fans' requests and mixed it with the creators' intent, resulting in what Namco Bandai feels is the ideal handling of the game and story.

Namco Bandai confirmed once more that Xenosaga III brings about the end of Shion's story arc, but was dodgy about if the game would introduce a new arc. Namco Bandai also did not explicitly state whether the series would be continued, saying that, "If reactions are good — who knows!"

Regarding a North American release of the Japan-only Xenosaga Freaks, Xenosaga Pied Piper and Xenosaga I & II, Namco Bandai only said, "This has not been decided at this time." On the other hand, it does hope to create an English version of a movie on the official Japanese site that depicts the events that happened during the year between Xenosaga II and Xenosaga III.

Overall, Xenosaga III has more series-staple cutscenes than Xenosaga II, but less than Xenosaga I. Striking this middle ground, Namco Bandai believes it has used the ideal pacing to balance story and gameplay.

Xenosaga III was directed by Koh Arai, and the music was composed by Yuki Kajiura. Series creator Testuya Takahashi drafted and supervised the scenario, supervised database creation, and coordinated music. Additionally, some fans may be pleased to know that KOS-MOS' Xenosaga I voice actress, Bridget Hoffman, returns in Xenosaga III, along with many more of the original cast.

Xenosaga Episode III: Also Sprach Zarathustra was released in Japan on July 6, 2006. Its North American release is scheduled for August 29.

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