
Westwood Throws A Bone to Beta Testers

Beta testers of Westwood Studios' upcoming MMORPG Earth & Beyond who plan to purchase the game will be enormously pleased to hear that the company is forming a program called Founders' Federation. This scheme rewards players who choose to purchase the title by allowing them to carry over up to five characters created in the two weeks following the official conclusion of beta testing. These characters will be fully playable in the game's universe, and will come with an added status symbol as well. Westwood has indicated it will place a decal on the ships of these players in honor of their participation in the beta.

EA, Westwood's parent company, has announced intentions to duplicate the program in the testing and release of other online EA titles, such as The Sims Online. Westwood continues to solicit beta testers for Earth & Beyond at the game's official website. Currently, the title is slated for release on September 18, 2002.

by Andrew Long    
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