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Epic Tavern to Open in 2017


Indie Games

Epic Tavern is a new title from Los Angeles-based developer Hyperkinetic Studios. Crossing fantasy RPG and management sim aspects, the game puts players in charge of a pub regularly visited by various adventurers. Players can choose whether to focus purely on maximising profits, being a beacon of hope, or the gathering place of the disreputable.

After its initial setup, where players can customise the tavern to attract their preferred type of client, adventurers can be sent out on various quests. Each adventurer has his or her own stats, personalities, and gear. The results of the quest will further impact both the adventurers and the game's world. One example offered is a quest to deal with a goblin chieftain. If an adventurer successfully kills him, that adventurer gets the title of Goblin Slayer, with more difficult goblin encounters following as they seek revenge. However, if peace is made instead, then the tavern may be able to serve Goblin Ale and attract more adventurers.

Epic Tavern is being created for PC by a team including developers that previously worked on series such as Dragon Age, The Sims, and Deus Ex. Hyperkinetic Studios hopes to release in game in early 2017.

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