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Explore New Lands in Frontier Gate



Konami recently unveiled Frontier Gate, a new RPG for the PSP being developed by tri-Ace. As the title indicates, the game will be set on a new frontier that is being explored for the first time. The main character, who is custom-created by the player, is a new member of an organization dedicated to the exploration effort.

In addition to the main character, the player will be able to choose from one of fifteen different characters to team up with. Each of these characters has their own story that plays out if they are chosen as the hero's partner. While many aspects of these characters are predetermined, such as their appearance, they can still be heavily customized by the player. So far, only three of these characters have been revealed: Alettio, a fellow rookie explorer, Reinvout, an instructor who trains new explorers, and Dizzy, a female explorer who is the daughter of adventurers.

The most distinctive thing about this new game is that it is being built around multiplayer play. Up to three players can team up and explore the frontier together, building a party of up to six characters by each bringing their main character and partner. The game still allows for single-player play, and, rather than being separate modes, both gameplay modes take place in the same game world. The game's battle system, a traditional menu-based system, was designed with multiplayer gameplay in mind.

It doesn't have a release date yet, but Frontier Gate will come out in Japan sometime this year. RPGamer will bring you more details on the game as they are revealed, but in the meantime you can examine the game's screenshot and art galleries.

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