Today, in Japan, Microsoft held a press conference to show off the upcoming lineup for its Xbox 360. Though most of the games showcased were outside of the RPG genre, there were still a few gems to be found.
Namco Bandai took the stage first and showed off Magna Carta II, which is scheduled to release in Japan on August 6. The game is playable at the conference, so it is seemingly pretty far along in development. Those interested in continuing to follow the game closely can view the official site.
The company then follwed up with a trailer for Tekken 6, which is still scheduled for Fall 2009. Capcom talked next, showing off 4-player co-op of Lost Planet 2, and Dead Rising 2 after that.
Next to the stage was Sega and tri-Ace to show off End of Eternity, which will be out during Winter 2009. A trailer was shown for the game featuring some CG and gameplay though not many details were revealed, other than that the battle is not command-based.
Sega went on to spend a large amount of time showing off Bayonetta, which has been dubbed climax action. While the definition of climax action is unclear, battles appear to be very crazy, even hectic most of the time. The game will also contain lots of blood and gore, so an M rating from the ESRB should be expected.
Microsoft showed some already released games, Halo 3: ODST, Samurai Showdown, and King of Fighters 12. There will be 48 new entries into the Platinum Games lineup, including Bioshock. The show wrapped up with XBLA, with a number of games from Square Enix scheduled to hit the service this year, including: Yosumin Live, Project Cube, and 0 Day Attack on Earth.