Sony Online Entertainment (SOE) announced today that they will be including Dantooine to the list of planets players can visit in the upcoming MMORPG, Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. While on Dantooine, players will encounter several opposing forces such as the native Dantari, Imperial forces, and a convoy of smugglers.
"With the inclusion of Dantooine, we feel we're offering a diverse Star Wars experience," said Haden Blackman, producer at LucasArts. "Fans of the films will remember Princess Leia's Dantooine reference from Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, though more important is our ability to leverage the world's rich history and striking landscape. As one of several 'adventure planets,' players will travel to Dantooine for the opportunity to engage in epic battles, uncover new storylines, and discover new sites."
Star Wars Galaxies is currently in beta testing and while a tentative release date has been set for June 2003, SOE has stated that it plans on revealing a new launch date for the title in the coming weeks.