Square has unveiled further information regarding Final Fantasy X via Shueisha's Weekly Shounen Jump publication. Among the topics discussed is the game's overdrive system, which first details make out to be basically identical to Final Fantasy VII's limit break feature. Overdrives are measured by a meter on the battle screen, rising as characters are attacked and take damage. Eventually the meter fills completely and enables a unique special attack.
The article went on to describe a few of the overdrive attacks. Tidus has a "Sword Technique" attack, which is reminiscent of Squall's attack method in Final Fantasy VIII, where buttons must be pressed at precise moments and intervals to strike the opponent. As well, Kimari uses an overdrive that works similarly to the series' blue magic system, and Lulu gains the ability to cast multiple spells by quickly rotating the PlayStation2 analog sticks.
Also briefly mentioned in the article was further elaboration on Lulu's character and the role she will play in the game. Described as "the strongest female character in the history of Final Fantasy," she is a black mage who makes use of an enchanted moogle in battle. Lulu is a "calm but strict female character who acts as a sister for Yuna," and, like Kimari, she acts as a protector to Yuna. Players can look forward to discovering more about these characters when Final Fantasy X is released in Japan on July 19th, and in North America later this winter.