Recently, Nihon Falcom announced The Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki, a follow up to last year's release The Legend of Heroes: Zero no Kiseki. The game's story takes place months after the events in Zero no Kiseki. The game will share the same battle system as the previous, but will make updates to the Orbment system. The game will also feature a handy skip system which will allow players to skip over arts and attack animations. Falcom has stated that the game is set to release on September 29, 2011 in Japan.
Falcom has also opened an official website for the game, and has stated that the game will be bundled with Nendoroid figures of Tio and Ellie, two of the game's main characters, and a Drama CD as well for those who pre-order. For a first look at Ao no Kiseki, check out the trailer below: