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New Details Arrive For Trails in the Sky


The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky

As The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Skys release date draws near, XSEED Games has dropped even more details on it. Trails in the Sky has a turn-based combat system, with enemies encountered in the game world before transitioning onto a battlefield grid.

One unique aspect is the “Orbment” system. Orbments are mechanical artifacts made of jeweled circuits arranged to give their bearers control over various things, such as healing and affecting the enemy’s state of mind. Also, characters will have their own unique abilities and ultimate deathblows. Players can even rearrange the battle line-up on the fly to change up their strategy. All battles can be retried, and be made easier if the player wishes.

As Estelle and Joshua, the protagonists of Trails in the Sky, journey through the Kingdom of Liberl, they will eventually discover and try to prevent a terrible conspiracy that threatens the entire nation. Along the way they will encounter every sort of locale: decrepit mines, farming villages, mountain passes shrouded in fog, bustling cities, seaside resorts, and ancient mysterious towers.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails is the Sky is due to be shipped on March 29 in a standard and limited edition. A digital download version will also be available on the same day. More screenshots can be viewed in the gallery here.

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