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Ys I & II Chronicles Gets Musical


Ys I & II Chronicles

Ys I & II Chronicles will be released next month, and XSEED Games is handing out a bit more information on what the game will contain. First, in addition to the physical "Hair Metal Pack" which will cost $29.99, XSEED Games will also release a digital download version of the game on PSN for $24.99. Also, while the game is intended to be challenging, XSEED has included a guide called "Reah's Trusty Field Manual" in the game manual to guide players through Ys I.

The most interesting announcement, though, is that the upcoming PSP version of Ys I & II will include three different soundtrack options. The player can switch between these soundtracks at any time during gameplay. The options include a newly arranged soundtrack with live instrumentation, the synth soundtrack from the 2001 Japanese PC release, and the original tracks from the 1987 and 1988 release of the game. XSEED has even provided a trailer to show off some of the differences.

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