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The RPG Sanctum Opinions #1: The State of the Genre



Welcome to the first posting of what will henceforth be known as The RPG Sanctum Opinion posting. Given the topical nature of the The RPG Sanctum's discussions and the fact that I lack the equipment for live streaming it is important to me to get the opinions of our readers and staff ahead of airtime so that they may be used on the show. This and future postings like it will contain the information for an upcoming episode and will serve as a way for the staff and readers to give their opinions on an upcoming topic. So without further ado:

The RPG Sanctum #1: The State of the Genre

Notes: The first episode of The RPG Sanctum will focus on the current state of the RPG genre as a whole. Our panelist will muse about where they think it sits and where they think it is going.

Guests: Michael Cunningham (Macstorm), Phillip Willis (JCServant), Emanuel Merino (Risingsuntzu)

Date: Thursday January 20, 9pm US Eastern Time

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