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Echoes of Time Co-op Discriminating Against Wii


Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time

The multiplayer mode in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time is probably what will draw most RPGamers to the title, but a recent revelation may change their minds about what version to pick up. Echoes of Time is coming to both the Nintendo DS and the Wii later this month.

Cross-platform multiplayer will allow those playing on the Wii to play alongside those on the DS, but only one Wii can join a multiplayer game and it must be the host. Four DSs can play together and one Wii can play with 3 DSs, but owners of the Wii version of Echoes of Time cannot play with other Wii users.

The Wii version of Echoes of Time is basically an emulation of the DS version, taking place in two scalable windows onscreen. Communication works the same in both versions, allowing players to use preset phrases that translate themselves when playing with those from other regions. Echoes of Time's multiplayer uses the Nintendo Wi-Fi connection to allow people from all over the world to play together. Both versions of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time are scheduled to release in North America on March 24, 2009.

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