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Atelier Iris 3 Blowing to North American Retailers


Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm

Fans of Gust's Atelier series on this side of the Pacific will get their chance to experience the series' third entry, Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm, this May, slightly less than a year after the Japanese release.

The game features the Active Cost Card Battle System where battle sequences are ordered by cards that represent the characters’ action order. The quicker the character, the faster their action turn comes around. The alchemy system has been upgraded to be even more robust than in previous entries to the series.

"We take great pride in providing a great gaming experience," said Haru Akenaga, president of NIS America, Inc. "We welcome the new direction Atelier Iris 3 is taking with its combination of new game systems, design, and user friendliness; I can't wait to play the U.S. version."

Look to RPGamer for more information as it becomes available.

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Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm
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