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A New Magna Carta for Worldwide Release


Magna Carta/Softmax

Two years ago, Softmax, a Korean PC game company, released an RPG by the name of Magna Carta. Magna Carta was a very promising game featuring a highly developed character-based story and fantastic art, landscapes, and character designs. Unfortunately, the game was plagued with a fatal bug, resulting in a recall of the game. Since then, the only way to get a hold of the game has been to import it from either Korea or Japan, hopefully with some working knowledge of the Korean language.

Gamers worldwide will be delighted to hear that Softmax has an ambitious plan - to release a new Magna Carta under the title of Magna Carta: Shinku no Seikon for the PS2. This new release will be based off of the PC version, however it will feature improved graphics, a new story, and a new system to utilize the PlayStation 2. But that isn't all, they also signed up with Banpresto Co. to localize this game for worldwide distribution. A Japanese release was forecasted for a February 2004 release, however with the end of the month approaching, the release date isn't likely to remain.

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Magna Carta, Magna Carta: Shinku no Seikon
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