In a press release, LucasArts and Sony Online Entertainment have announced that their newest venture into the MMO
genre, Star Wars Galaxies, will have its release delayed from the previously announced April 15th deadline. The
reasoning for this delay is that they believe it will allow them to "invest more time into the beta program, and
to solicit additional feedback from the tremendous fan base." Additional clarifying comments were also made to the official
board for the game by its programmers, in which they explained that both they and the current beta testers felt the game
needed more time to be polished up before release. This will include tasks such as quashing minor gameplay bugs, readying
post-release features, and improving the core gameplay.
In addition to delaying the release for the game, this announcement will also push back the beginning of the phase
three beta, which was scheduled to begin shortly. Instead, its launch will take place at an unspecified time within the next
few weeks, once the development team feels that the game is ready for a wider audience. The new release date for the
final product will also be announced shortly after the phase three beta begins.