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Nick Tam
Fourside Hilton
Bluegrass Game(s): Earthbound
MP3 Splendid Performance Audition Phase 3
Download: [Download (7687.72k)]
Comment: Earthbound sees Ness and his companions brave deserts, jungles and zombie-infested shanty towns, but always is there a more civilized place to pass a night as one adventure leads to another: that bastion of modernity, the hotel. Here is music to befit the lobby of a five-star metropolitan resort, upscale lodgings to comfort our noble heroes and restore some much-needed HP and MP - for a price, of course. The eight-bar morning glory of the Keiichi Suzuki minor motif that signals an overnight port of safety envelops the bustling big-city Fourside melody in this improv piano feature over the Latin bounce of a tuxedo trio, a welcome mat for the ears of the wealthy. Check in and check it out.


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