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Sour Jovis da Dark Coyshephirt
Too Cold to Go Outside and Walk Around Scene
Piano Game(s): Chrono Trigger
Download: [Download (2442.12k)]
Comment: As you probably can hear, it's a remix from Wind Scene by Yasunori Mitsuda, because Chrono Trigger has got great music, as most people will agree with me. This song is one of my favourites, and I found it sounded good on the key instruments I used for it. I'm calling it.... "Too Cold to Go Outside and Walk Around Scene"(catchy ain't it?) because it's supposed to sound like your watching a cold snowy and windy landscape or something, but that's for the listener to decide. It's mainly in 3/4, to make it sound different from the original, but I made a little switch to 4/4 for variety, and than back.
The First War
Rock Game(s): Lufia & the Fortress of Doom
MP3 Splendid Performance Audition Phase 2
Download: [Download (2442.12k)]
Comment: This song is a remix of various Lufia I and II themes by Yukio Nakajima. Išve used pieces from Memories of the last war and Guard from Lufia I, and battle 3 from Lufia II. You'll probably here some other theme's as well. That's because a lot of Lufia songs sound alike. You'll hear 8 different instruments in total, that's the maximum allowed number for this round. The song's called the first war (it's just a name). The guitars sound rather dirty I think, but hopefully you'll like them.


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