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Golden Sun
The Chipper Ember's Home
Rock Submitter(s): Francis "Fermat's Last Theorem" Gayon
Download: [Download (3871.34k)]
Comment: This piece utilizes a theme that I found quite likeable the moment I heard it while playing Golden Sun a few years back. It's like a bowl of sunshine for oboe and strings. I decided to subdue the happiness a bit, though, removing octave acciaccaturas here and there.
This mix is rather odd in that it is comprised of a motley group of instruments. Otherwise, it's fairly nothing out of the ordinary. I shifted the time signature from the original 5/4 and 3/4 to 4/4, and played around a bit with the melody. I also mixed up the themes a little.
Composed for oboe, vibraphone, electric piano, electric bass, and drums using Sibelius 5 and rendered by Kouen using SONAR 7 Producer Edition.
Battle with Saturos
Rock Submitter(s): Matt1plus1
Download: [Download (1797.41k)]
Comment: No Comment


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